Olical / aniseed

Neovim configuration and plugins in Fennel (Lisp compiled to Lua)
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Highlight new syntax forms #101

Closed monkoose closed 2 years ago

monkoose commented 2 years ago

Add collect, icollect and accumulate to syntax highlighting and fix accumulate indentation.

Olical commented 2 years ago


monkoose commented 2 years ago

Til you are here. What do you think about improving highlighting a little bit? At least what do i want is to distinguish between def and defn and set tset var and when each for etc. Just link this new highlight group to current one by default, but to have possibility to change them without doint it in user config. If you don't mind I can do that and on the road maybe improve some other things in the syntax file.

Olical commented 2 years ago

I'm more than open to that, yep! I have always avoided looking too deeply into the abyss of the Vim colour scheme system, so I just make enough changes to get by. If you have Opinions on how they work and how to make them nicer to use/modify from the user perspective I'd love to see them.

It's currently just a copy/paste/edit of the official(?) Fennel syntax files, I personally think it's okay for us to deviate here into another route since it's near enough a fork.

monkoose commented 2 years ago

Good. Then I will do it.