Olical / aniseed

Neovim configuration and plugins in Fennel (Lisp compiled to Lua)
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Big Fennel files won't let us eval due to a LuaJIT limitation #119

Open Olical opened 2 years ago

Olical commented 2 years ago

One of the core files of Conjure's Clojure support is so big and complex it now blows LuaJIT's 200 local limit when evaluating interactively.

; eval (file): ...conjure/fnl/conjure/client/clojure/nrepl/action.fnl
; ...packer/start/conjure/lua/conjure/aniseed/deps/fennel.lua:730: [string "local _2amodule_locals_2a = ___replLocals___[..."]:213: main function has more than 200 local variables

I don't know if this'll ever happen with non-interactive compiling... maybe if it got big enough actually... :( if you have 200 functions defined it'll blow up. So can I find a way to mitigate this... this is an open ended ticket so I remember it + share this issue with users + maybe get some tips from people who have worked around this in the past.