Closed Olical closed 2 years ago
I was just having this issue while trying to separate my macros into multiple files.
I was trying to do something like:
├── fnl
│ └── core
│ ├── init.fnl
│ └── macros
│ ├── core-macros.fnl
│ ├── pack-macros.fnl
│ └── vim-macros.fnl
└── init.lua
Out of interest, does it work fine on the develop
branch? I couldn't actually spot any issues but I've done some work around this area and written some more tests so I may have caught it now 🤔
I've made a LOT of changes on develop
so the module macros compile to much more efficient / minimal Lua and there's a few issues around interactive evaluation that I'm still working out
So bearing in mind there's other issues I'm fixing, it might still be worth checking if the macro file problem is fixed. I've tried this myself on develop
and fnl/dotfiles/plugin/some-macros.fnl
worked fine for me 🤔 although I think I did have to restart nvim
for it to work.
Doesn't seem to work. It gives this error:
E5108: Error executing lua ...m/site/pack/packer/start/aniseed/lua/aniseed/compile.lua:73: Could not open file: /home/datwaft/.config/nvim.main/lua/core/macros/core-macros.fnl: No such file or directory
Here is the tree view:
├── autocmd.fnl
├── globals.fnl
├── init.fnl
├── lsp.fnl
├── macros
│ ├── core-macros.fnl
│ └── vim-macros.fnl
├── mapping.fnl
├── options.fnl
├── plugin
│ ├── anywise-reg.fnl
│ ├── camel-case-motion.fnl
│ ├── colorscheme.fnl
│ ├── compe.fnl
│ ├── conjure.fnl
│ ├── devicons.fnl
│ ├── file-explorer.fnl
│ ├── gitsigns.fnl
│ ├── hexokinase.fnl
│ ├── hlslens.fnl
│ ├── indent-blankline.fnl
│ ├── lightbulb.fnl
│ ├── lspkind.fnl
│ ├── lspsaga.fnl
│ ├── navigator.fnl
│ ├── nrpattern.fnl
│ ├── slime.fnl
│ ├── spellsitter.fnl
│ ├── statusline.fnl
│ ├── telescope.fnl
│ ├── tmux.fnl
│ ├── traces.fnl
│ ├── treesitter.fnl
│ ├── trouble.fnl
│ ├── which-key.fnl
│ ├── wilder.fnl
│ └── window.fnl
├── plugin.fnl
└── utils
└── io.fnl
Hm, so odd, I can't reproduce that but I'll try to some time soon. I'm clearly missing something since it works absolutely fine for me, so maybe I'm doing something extra that I forgot about.
Do you have some config for aniseed#env
that moves the default fnl/lua directory paths?
This is my init.lua
local execute = vim.api.nvim_command
local fn = vim.fn
local fmt = string.format
local pack_path = fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack"
local function ensure(user, repo)
local install_path = fmt("%s/packer/start/%s", pack_path, repo, repo)
if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
execute(fmt("!git clone %s", user, repo,
execute(fmt("packadd %s", repo))
ensure("wbthomason", "packer.nvim")
ensure("Olical", "aniseed")
vim.g["aniseed#env"] = {module = "core.init"}
As you can see I am doing vim.g["aniseed#env"] = {module = "core.init"}
as per the documentation (at least the documentation of when I created the configuration).
Even with let g:aniseed#env = v:true
it fails.
This is actually working fine for me now so I think I fixed it a while back in other changes? Please reopen if not!
Right now I think files called
are the only ones copied over to thelua
dir on compilation which ensures they end up on the path. That path is used when requiring the macros, so if your macro file isn't named appropriately it either won't be copied into the right place or Ansieed will try to compile it which will error since macro files can't be compiled.There's no way to tell that something contains macros without prior knowledge, so we still have to make assumptions. I think the best bet is defaulting to finding anything ending in
and making it easily reconfigurable. Then maybe don't copy them, but just add them to an exclude pattern then add the fnl dir to the macros path. (which is new in the latest fennel version!)