Closed peter-lejon-v closed 1 year ago
Going to need more information to help out here, sorry. Which Neovim version and OS are you on? And what kind of hardware do you have (CPU model etc if possible)?
I don't experience any kind of latency while editing, personally. Are you using Tree Sitter or not? If you're not using Tree Sitter, I'd recommend looking into setting it up since it allows Conjure to be far more efficient.
Have you managed to isolate the issue by disabling or uninstalling Conjure and editing the same file?
NVIM v0.9.0 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Linux zephyrus 6.2.11-1-MANJARO (G14 first gen)
48 GB ram
it's with clojure and tree-sitter
lazy config return {
-- { "Olical/aniseed" },
{ "Olical/conjure" },
{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", opts = function(_, opts) vim.list_extend(opts.ensure_installed, { "clojure", }) end, },
{ "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", ---@class PluginLspOpts opts = { ---@type lspconfig.options servers = { -- ["clj-kondo"] = {}, clojure_lsp = {}, }, }, }, }
Hm, I doubt it's hardware / raw CPU related then because Conjure runs just fine on my XPS 13 from 2015 as well as my 13600K in my main machine. This sounds to me like some plugin interfering with Conjure in some way or maybe the terminal you're using?
I've never used lazy.nvim but I don't see how the plugin manager could affect this...
:thinking: I get the same issues with kitty and alacritty (with or without tmux)
If I don't use conjure, it's not laggy. Other plugins i use for lisps are
return { { "guns/vim-sexp", requires = { "tpope/vim-repeat", }, } }
Could it be that is the culprit somehow
Haven't heard of it before, but quite possibly! The concept sounds like something that could easily slow nvim to a crawl, especially with Conjure flying about modifying the log buffer in the background as you evaluate things.
When you say the UI is laggy? Do you mean very specific actions lock up nvim for a short time or everything is slow? Are we talking 50-100ms (something you can feel but isn't huge) or a few seconds of complete lock up? And is it only on eval or even moving the cursor?
stuff like j k h l C-u C-d etc are laggy (get stuck). Loading the buffer is also slow
I have these bindings to (scroll lock fan)
vim.cmd([[nnoremap j jzz]])
vim.cmd([[nnoremap k kzz]])
vim.cmd([[nnoremap n nzz]])
vim.cmd([[nnoremap N Nzz]])
vim.cmd([[nnoremap { {zz]])
vim.cmd([[nnoremap } }zz]])
But these are normally not a problem (only with the specific combination of conjure and lazyvim)
There was an update to lazy and now I don't have this lag any more :)
I don't know if this is a lazyvim issue or conjure issue, but the editing experience is really laggy when using conjure with lazyvim