Olical / dotfiles

Configuration for Linux, i3, Kitty, Fish, Neovim and more
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Explanation wanted #6

Closed p00f closed 4 years ago

p00f commented 4 years ago

Hi! Sorry for the trouble, I know very little lisp from emacs configs and tree-sitter queries.

Your neovim config looks really clean, I want to have this too (I have only separated mine into plugins.vim which loads plugins, mappings.vim and definitions.vim which has all the let g:x = y stuff, this looks nowhere near as good as yours).

1) Can you explain as to which files need to have

{require {core aniseed.core
            nvim aniseed.nvim}})

(I'm almost sure everything needs at least nvim aniseed.nvim.)

2) I have gone through core.fnl but still need some basic vim to fennel, like how would you do:

  1. set guifont=xyz:h12 huh this one was simpler than i expected

  2. set clipboard+=unnamedplus

  3. set listchars=eol:↴,tab:<->,space:·

  4. highlight LineNr term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=DarkGrey guibg=NONE

  5. autocmd FileType dashboard set showtabline=0 | autocmd WinLeave <buffer> set showtabline=2

  6. map (as opposed to noremap)

3) what does util.fnl do? can i/do i have to change it?

p00f commented 4 years ago

btw which plugin did you use for previewing files (here https://asciinema.org/a/326401) (when you finished typing `aniseed.nvim at 00:12)

Olical commented 4 years ago

Hey, of course! So the .fnl language is Fennel lang which can be compiled to Lua and run within Neovim's LuaJIT instance. I use my own tool, Aniseed to do this and add the (module ...), defn and def syntax, since Lua's vanilla module system isn't very good for interactive evaluation of code as you change it.

Aniseed is what compiles my fnl to lua and loads it automatically, the line at the bottom of my init.vim (lua require('aniseed.dotfiles')) is what kicks all of this off. I think that's documented in Aniseed's readme or help text.

Once you have Aniseed you get access to the standard library I wrote as well as nvim.lua which is a dependency I bundle with Aniseed and expose for you.

set clipboard+=unnamedplus would require (set nvim.o.clipboard (.. nvim.o.clipboard ",unnamedplus")) I think, although you could write a nice function for this that used the aniseed.string module to split nvim.o.clipboard (a comma separated string), append your new item and then rejoin on ,.

I'd just use ex commands from Lua for this, so something like (nvim.ex.highlight "LineNr term=bold cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey...") where nvim is the aniseed.nvim module (which is actually nvim.lua!). The same goes for the autocmd, just lean on ex commands for that. And the same for map!

Any normal vim config thing you want to do can be done with aniseed.nvim, which reads nicely when you alias it to nvim. Although it's worth mentioning you could do all of this without that module, just type:h api` in nvim and you'll find all of the functions available to you from Lua or from a remote RPC plugin.

Finally, the thing that pops up at 0:12 is Conjure, which is written in Fennel with Aniseed! It's used to develop Clojure or Janet code outside of Neovim as well as Aniseed itself, it can be used to work on Aniseed/Fennel code live within Neovim.

You can always try out :ConjureSchool if you install Conjure to learn all about evaluating Fennel within Neovim or even try the school without installing the plugin via my handy script :smile: https://github.com/Olical/conjure#try-without-installing

I hope this helps!

p00f commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much!

p00f commented 4 years ago

I think, although you could write a nice function for this that used the aniseed.string module to split nvim.o.clipboard (a comma separated string), append your new item and then rejoin on ,.

How would I do that? I have tried

(module dotfiles.module.core
  {require {nvim aniseed.nvim
            str aniseed.string}})
(set nvim.o.clipboard
    {(str.split nvim.o.clipboard ",")

which compiles to this lua:

nvim.o.clipboard = str.join({[str.split(nvim.o.clipboard, ",")] = "unnamedplus"}, ",")

which means I definitely misunderstood the library and that doesn't work (ie vim doesn't use the intended clipboard)

(set nvim.o.clipboard (.. nvim.o.clipboard ",unnamedplus"))

gives E5108: Error executing lua /home/chinmay/.config/nvim/lua/dotfiles/module/core.lua:37: E474: Invalid argument where line 37 of core.lua is

nvim.o.clipboard = (nvim.o.clipboard .. ",unnamedplus")
Olical commented 4 years ago

For the second example, that works totally fine for me, so I'm assuming nvim.o.clipboard is nil at the time of eval? Since you can't append a string to nil you'd have to check if nvim.o.clipboard was set before attempting to append to it. The split/join approach doesn't have this problem since my library functions handle nil gracefully a la Clojure.

For the use of string split and join:

(set nvim.o.clipboard (str.join "," (a.concat (str.split nvim.o.clipboard ",") ["unnamedplus"])))

Should do the trick! (you can use square braces for lists)

Your issue there is that you're ending up with nested lists like [[...] ...] when you want one level of list items like [...] which we can use concat to append one list to another in a non-mutating way. The other function you can use is (table.append my-table :some-item) which is built into Lua.

p00f commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Are these questions better suited in the aniseed repo? I have another one - there's a neovim gui called goneovim which defines g:gonvim_running as 1 on startup and i want to check that and do some stuff. I have already tried these: 1) aniseed's nil?

(if (not (nil? (nvim.g.gonvim_running)))
  nvim.ex.highlight :MsgSeparator "guifg=#282a36")

2) fennel's if

(if (nvim.g.gonvim_running)
  nvim.ex.highlight :MsgSeparator "guifg=#282a36")

3) fennel's when (I think I'm using this one wrong https://fennel-lang.org/reference#if-conditional)

(when (not (nil? (nvim.g.gonvim_running)))?
  (nvim.ex.highlight :MsgSeparator "guifg=#282a36"))

all three of which which give attempt to call field 'gonvim_running' (a nil value) on startup. It being nil is kinda the point lol.

(I get this error in both terminal vim and the gonvim gui which is another problem because it should have been already defined in the gui case)

Olical commented 4 years ago

Hey, so that's because you're trying to execute the result of the expression nvim.g.gonvim_running as a function by wrapping it in parens. I think all you need to do is delete the parens around (nvim.g.gonvim_running) and it should be fine. And potentially, yes, these questions are definitely Aniseed / Fennel related :slightly_smiling_face: if you have more we could chat there in other issues. Or even in the fennel channel in the Conjure discord (https://conjure.fun/discord).