Olical / nfnl

Enhance your Neovim with Fennel
The Unlicense
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Saving .fnl doesn't automatically compile it to lua #2

Closed russtoku closed 1 year ago

russtoku commented 1 year ago

This works! So much easier to use than Aniseed but I discovered that saving a .fnl file doesn't compile it to .lua.

I have this set-up:

my-plugin (master)$ tree -a -I .git
├── .nfnl.fnl
├── fnl
│   └── my-plugin
│       └── main.fnl
├── lua
│   └── my-plugin
│       └── main.lua
└── plugin
    └── my-plugin.vim

With this in .nfnl.fnl:

{:source-file-patterns ["fnl/**/*.fnl"]}

After saving main.fnl, I noticed that it wasn't compiled.

my-plugin (master)$ ls -l */my-plugin/*
-rw-r--r--  1 russ  staff  282 Jul 11 18:26 fnl/my-plugin/main.fnl
-rw-r--r--  1 russ  staff  437 Jul 11 18:04 lua/my-plugin/main.lua

Did I miss something?

Olical commented 1 year ago

That looks correct to me! The only time it shouldn't write the file is if there was a compilation error. In that case you should see the error in your :messages or in a nvim-notify floating window if you have the plugin installed. I'll maybe add a message when it compiles successfully or a debug flag of some kind so we can see what's going on here 🤔

Olical commented 1 year ago

And I guess it worked at least once since you have some compiled Lua output.

Olical commented 1 year ago

If you can reproduce this, please let me know how. I tried to break the plugin but it compiled just fine even when my Neovim was in the wrong working directory etc.

As long as the autocmds are setup at FileType time then it should work fine. nfnl builds autocmds for the specific paths with the local project config in the Lua closure.

So once the autocmds are set up that directory has all the magic associated with it. I could see this breaking if you move/rename the parent directories while Neovim is still open though. Then you'll need to :e inside your Fennel buffers again for the autocmds to be recreated under the new path.

russtoku commented 1 year ago

In my example above, I manually compiled the Fennel file with:

:lua require('nfnl')['compile-all-files']()

When I start Neovim, here are no autocmds for nfnl associated with the fennel filetype:

:au * fennel
--- Autocommands ---
lspconfig  FileType
    fennel    <Lua 57: ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-lspconfig/lua/lspconfig/configs.lua:106> [Checks whether server fennel_language_server should start a new instance or attach to an existing
conjure_init_filetypes  FileType
    fennel    lua require('conjure.mapping')['on-filetype']()
sexp_filetypes  FileType
    fennel    call s:sexp_create_mappings()
sexp_mappings_for_regular_people  FileType
    fennel    call s:sexp_mappings()

My ~/.config/nvim/fnl/magic/init.fnl file has this:

  :Olical/aniseed {}
  :Olical/conjure {:mod :conjure}
  :Olical/nfnl {}

After I call setup like so:

:lua require('nfnl')['setup']()

I see that this autocmd is created:

:au nfnl-setup
--- Autocommands ---
nfnl-setup  FileType
    fennel    <Lua 263: ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nfnl/lua/nfnl/callback.lua:15> 

Then I see that when I save a .fnl file it is compiled.

If I change my ~/.config/nvim/fnl/magic/init.fnl file to call the setup function of nfnl like so:

  :Olical/aniseed {}
  :Olical/conjure {:mod :conjure}
  :Olical/nfnl {:mod :nfnl}

and ~/.config/nvim/fnl/magic/plugin/nfnl.fnl to have:

(module magic.plugin.nfnl)

(let [(ok? aplugin) (pcall #(require :nfnl))]
    (when ok?                                                                                   

then the autocmd for the nfnl-setup augroup is created when Neovim starts up and Fennel files are automatically compiled after being saved.

Olical commented 1 year ago

Ah! So the nfnl module is just not being loaded! Which plugin manager are you using? I think I need to adapt it to work more out of the box with things other than lazy.nvim. I guess lazy automatically requires things in a way other plugins don't.

Olical commented 1 year ago

Added a plugin/nfnl.vim that contains lua require('nfnl'), should be enough to ensure nfnl.init is loaded by all plugin managers.

russtoku commented 1 year ago

Yes!! That works!

I'm using Packer as my plugin manager. Now, I can just have :Olical/nfnl {} in my init.fnl.

russtoku commented 1 year ago
