OliveTreeBible / OliveTreeUrlExample

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Is there also an Android intent? #1

Open tekkies opened 9 years ago

dctrotz commented 9 years ago

not at this time. I'll ping @Krylez and see if he can add it to our next release.

Krylez-zz commented 9 years ago

This is something I've wanted to implement for a while and I'm looking forward to getting it into our next release (if possible).

tekkies commented 9 years ago

Cool. I'll keep an eye on this. Thanks. A.

jadkik commented 7 years ago

Any update regarding Android support?

I see there is support for the olivetree://bible URLs in the app now. When opening them though, the app just opens whatever page was last open, e.g. this URL olivetree://bible/romans%208%2028 does not open "Romans 8:28" but instead it just brings the app to the front. I tried it with numbers instead of the names (e.g. olivetree://bible/43.3.16) and it still does the same thing.

Is this expected behavior or is this feature not really supported yet on Android?

Krylez-zz commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I'm no longer at Olive Tree.

tomhamming commented 7 years ago

I'll pass this on to our current Android engineers.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Is supported by android. Did the work a few years ago. I just did a test on the currently released application, it does work. I tested it using the Bible Reading Plan - M'Cheyne Version 1.2 by Puritan Soft. There is a strange behavior going on, after it opens BilbleReader there is a long delay before navigation. Will investigate.

jadkik commented 7 years ago

Bible Reading Plan - M'Cheyne Version 1.2 by Puritan Soft

I'm not sure what that is. The test I made was basically by running this command:

adb shell 'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d olivetree://bible/romans%208%2028'

It opens the splash screen for a few seconds then opens the last page I was on, and I can see this printed in the logs:

             System.out  I  biblereader.olivetree.activities.BibleReaderActivity.handleUri(BibleReaderActivity.java:1119) ---  ------ >> bible
                         I  biblereader.olivetree.activities.BibleReaderActivity.handleUri(BibleReaderActivity.java:1120) ---  ------ >> /romans 8 28
                         I  biblereader.olivetree.activities.BibleReaderActivity.onInitComplete(BibleReaderActivity.java:664) ---  ----------------------------------------- >> end 2.587(sec)

The same behavior is seen with all other URLs, except with this URL olivetree://bible/ the app crashes due to an index out of bounds exception.

P.S. when you edit your comment we don't get a notification so couldn't see your update.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I tested the adb call you using, and get the same failure, will investigate. But I also notice that when I do the adb call when the app is running it navigates to the correct location.