Oliver-Akins / file-hider

A plugin for https://obsidian.md that allows hiding specific files and folders from the file explorer.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Regex filters #15

Open Azurewren opened 1 year ago

Azurewren commented 1 year ago

Feature Request

The ability to blanket hide all files and/or folders that match a regex string. This could be used to filter out MOC or Index files throughout a whole vault. instead of having to select every... single... one... of... those... blasted... things.

There should also be the option to be able to include multiple of these type of entries, all of which is manageable under the Manage button.

Oliver-Akins commented 1 year ago

I'll take a look and see if I can add that since it is something that is super helpful.

I did actually have it planned in the original specification in the system, but had to delay it due to the complexity of how the plugin was initially hiding the files (i.e. it's very hack-y right now and was even worse when I delayed it).

user30535 commented 1 year ago

For me, I just want to hide all the folders that are named assets. This would be super helpful for me because I have lots of asset folders and I want to hide them all.

vincentscode commented 1 year ago

Hi, I created a fork to do just that: https://github.com/vincentscode/regex-file-hider/

It is not quite done yet (RegEx cannot be added via the UI yet), but the base functionality does work!

LakeishaKowalczyk commented 1 year ago

@vincentscode @hieuvp How should I install it, friend? Tried to install it but failed 图片

LakeishaKowalczyk commented 1 year ago

Dear @vincentscode @hieuvp , are you here? please help

Oliver-Akins commented 1 year ago

@LakeishaKowalczyk any issues with the forked repository should be addressed in that repository, not this one. Thank you.

LakeishaKowalczyk commented 1 year ago

@Oliver-Akins Sorry there is no issues page in regex-file-hider repository

It appears that file-hider intends to provide regular or wildcard functionality. Do you have a specific time plan?

Oliver-Akins commented 1 year ago

I do not have a timeframe on support for it unfortunately.