OliverRensu / RTNet

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How to pre-train the appearance and motion stream models #4

Open hologerry opened 2 years ago

hologerry commented 2 years ago

Could you please provide details of training the model of appearance (spatial-R34 or spatial RX-50) and motion stream (temporal-R34 or temporal RX-50)? At first, I tested the pre-trained whole model on our custom dataset. The results are reasonable. out-00200

And then, I trained the Interactive model with the pre-trained spatial and temporal models on our custom dataset, the test results are still acceptable. out-00200

But when I train the whole model from scratch with our data, the performance is pretty poor. out-00200

OliverRensu commented 2 years ago

Hi, pretraining is necessary! the code can be found here https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GagzxzzUQfmhLX7jNpYlmw code:ohyo ./pretrained/pretrain_code.zip

hologerry commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I will try it!