Open BigSaveDave opened 5 years ago
It seems like pretty quiet in here. Every webpart is broken now
Btw, every web part is broken not because MS is updating sharepoint to make this tool unusable
but due to hardcoded CDN shutdown/SSL cert expired.
@koltyakov are you aware of a work around such as placing files in your own app catalog? If so, what files would need to be placed there?
I don’t think there are any files outside the sources, but manifest configuration expects some being published to that CDN root. So the solution should be changing the manifest and rebuild with new version bumped, then publish an update to app catalog.
Wow @OlivierCC reacted on the issues with CDN 😱👍
This solution started working Today!!!
@bholapaki And then it crashed again just now lol, I think @OlivierCC is busy working on it though. I've put place holders where I used all the web parts while we wait
This tool looks wonderful, but, judging from the issues, it seems that MS is updating sharepoint to make this tool unusable. Are there any future plans?