OlivierCC / spfx-40-fantastics

This package is a sample kit of Client Side Web Parts built on the SharePoint Framework SPFx. You can find here different kind of high visual web parts as carousel, images galleries, animations, map, editors, etc.
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Unite Gallery Loading Issue #18

Open sidjustsid opened 7 years ago

sidjustsid commented 7 years ago

Hi @OlivierCC Firstly Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of work. I am using News Carousel web part in one of my classic pages. It is working fine. But Sometimes it is giving me Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: h(...).unitegallery is not a function Error. After few refreshes it is loading again. Could you please help me in this .

Many Thanks Siddhartha

OlivierCC commented 7 years ago

Hi @sidjustsid,

This can happened when you are using two different WebParts on the same page that include a JQuery plugin. In fact the SPFx will reload JQuery and randomly the JQuery plugin will fail to load.

Today the only dirty fix that I found is to use the custom version of JQuery included in the latest 1.0.3 package or at this address: http://spfx40fantastics.azureedge.net/spfx40fantastics/jquery_510295b52d8a7cc774bf4fb013893d1e.js



kmarwen commented 6 years ago

Hi @OlivierCC would you please tell us what's the prob with Jquery and it's plugins in those webparts ? I'm cloning your webparts and facing same problems with jquery merci

kmarwen commented 6 years ago

I see the diff with jquery you added

if (window.jQuery)

that correct the behavior of jquery plugins ?

kmosti commented 6 years ago

I followed @OlivierCC advice, and replaced the jquery minified file at node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js - which solved the loading issue.

However, this exposed a different (unrelated?) issue, unitegallery does not seem to handle loading different themes on the same page.

To reproduce:

  1. Replace the jQuery file
  2. Add two web parts using the unitegallery library (I used Grid gallery and Tiles Menu)
  3. First load might seem OK: image
  4. Subsequent reload of the page exposes the issue: image


  1. Replace the jQuery file per @OlivierCC instructions
  2. Set the theme in the unitegallery options, for my use case, that meant modifying the options (line 114) of TilesMenuWebPart.ts:
private renderContents(): void {
      ($ as any)("#" + this.guid + "-gallery").unitegallery({
        gallery_theme: "tiles",
        tile_as_link: true,
        tiles_type: this.properties.justified === true ? "justified": '',
        tile_enable_icons: this.properties.enableIcons,
        tile_enable_textpanel: this.properties.textPanelEnable,
        tile_textpanel_always_on: this.properties.textPanelAlwaysOnTop,
        tile_textpanel_position: this.properties.textPanelPosition,
        tile_textpanel_bg_opacity: this.properties.textPanelOpacity,
        tile_textpanel_bg_color: this.properties.textPanelBackgroundColor,
        tile_textpanel_title_font_family: this.properties.textPanelFont,
        tile_textpanel_title_font_size: this.properties.textPanelFontSize != null ? this.properties.textPanelFontSize.replace("px", "") : '',
        tile_textpanel_title_text_align: this.properties.textPanelAlign,
        tile_textpanel_title_color: this.properties.textPanelFontColor,
        tiles_space_between_cols: this.properties.spaceBetweenCols,
        tile_enable_border: this.properties.enableBorder,
        tile_border_width: this.properties.border,
        tile_border_color: this.properties.borderColor,
        tile_enable_shadow: this.properties.enableShadow
kmarwen commented 6 years ago

Hi @kmosti try adding another webparts (tiles, animated text, ...) and reload many times the page you'll see js errors in console till today I don't understand the cause of this issue with jquery

kmosti commented 6 years ago

I'll give it a try, but for now my web parts are a little bit healthier so that makes me happy :)

What kinds of errors are you seeing in the console?