OlivierCC / spfx-40-fantastics

This package is a sample kit of Client Side Web Parts built on the SharePoint Framework SPFx. You can find here different kind of high visual web parts as carousel, images galleries, animations, map, editors, etc.
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Missing HTML editor in Webparts #53

Open kemist opened 6 years ago

kemist commented 6 years ago

I installed the package as directed.

On a modern page, I inserted the following web parts:

However, the text editors within these parts are not the cool CKEEditor, etc.

It seems as if the web parts are missing the property pane custom fields as referenced here:


Also, I do not have the choices as described in the documentation such as:

If you could please provide some insight, I would be much obliged.

Thank you, David (david@kemedia.net)

ItsBradMorgan commented 6 years ago

I also do not see the editor in the fckeditor (RichText Editor) webpart; which makes this one unusable. Choosing Inline either "On" or "Off" does not help. Really need this one working as the OOTB one from MS does hardly anything!

tachiaus commented 6 years ago

Could this be because ckeditor is linked via a public cdn and not internally stored in the package, perhaps the cdn is being blocked?

kcdsb-csd commented 6 years ago

I confirm that this isn't working for me either. Downloaded sp pkg. added app to SPO. Added app to site, created 'site page' and opened accordion web part. Missing same items as noted above. And when I inspect the rendered HTML I can see that the original textarea element has been modified by ckeditor.

All this to state that I'm pretty sure CKEditor is not being blocked by a CDN but rather that part of the editor is being blocked by Sharepoint. For example, along the bottom of the editor I can see the 'body' and 'p' tags which are part of the editor's features. I just don't see the toolbar.

Separately, some of the properties (which are shown in the demo) are not actually in the code. These include theme and mode. Not sure why? Point this out because someone above mentions these are missing.

AltruisticNerd commented 6 years ago

This is probably related to issue #29