OlivierCC / spfx-40-fantastics

This package is a sample kit of Client Side Web Parts built on the SharePoint Framework SPFx. You can find here different kind of high visual web parts as carousel, images galleries, animations, map, editors, etc.
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RSS Feed reader #97

Open dianglesolutions opened 5 years ago

dianglesolutions commented 5 years ago

hi guys,

did you manage to make it work? For any RSS link i am getting only the spinning 'loading' indicator. Any thoughts?

worthy92 commented 5 years ago

Same here - getting the same issue

joenito5 commented 5 years ago

Same here. I was really excited until all i got was the spinning loading wheel

Artocol commented 5 years ago

Same here. Any new developments?

Cire2302 commented 5 years ago

Idem... too many issues with "40 fantastics" webparts...

koltyakov commented 5 years ago

@Cire2302 that is what you expect from an unmaintained project published as technology sample, isn't it? Shouldn't be considered as something plug and use without adjusting but a sample and starting point for your own development having an understanding the samples were created 3-2 years back.

I'd suggest taking a look at community samples: webparts, extentions and some more complex scenarious with recent SPFx.

msolive1985 commented 4 years ago

Update 2020: this particular webpart still not working.

murtuzamj commented 4 years ago

hi guys,

did you manage to make it work? For any RSS link i am getting only the spinning 'loading' indicator. Any thoughts?

Yes, I was able to get it work! But I had to deploy my own RSS feeds service! the underlying RSS feeds API by Yahoo was deprecated

murtuzamj commented 4 years ago

Update 2020: this particular webpart still not working.

Yes, I was able to get it work! But I had to deploy my own RSS feeds service! the underlying RSS feeds API by Yahoo was deprecated

marting1010 commented 2 years ago

Update 2020: this particular webpart still not working.

Yes, I was able to get it work! But I had to deploy my own RSS feeds service! the underlying RSS feeds API by Yahoo was deprecated

This would explain why I'm getting the same errors then! @murtuzamj did you develop your own RSS feeds service?

murtuzamj commented 2 years ago

Yes, I developed my own RSS feeds REST API (using nodejs), that was taking a JSON containing RSS Urls, and returning Feeds for RSS Urls.

My Customer wanted to show their blog feeds on their Intranet! Had no other option :-)

All Yahoo services have been deprecated, like YFinance , YFeeds

marting1010 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I developed my own RSS feeds REST API (using nodejs), that was taking a JSON containing RSS Urls, and returning Feeds for RSS Urls.

My Customer wanted to show their blog feeds on their Intranet! Had no other option :-)

All Yahoo services have been deprecated, like YFinance , YFeeds

Ok thanks @murtuzamj . You've not shared that up here have you? I've found this one as well which I may have a go with https://github.com/pnp/sp-dev-fx-webparts/tree/main/samples/react-rss-reader

murtuzamj commented 2 years ago

No, @marting1010 as I said, it was for a customer.

Check that out please, Does it have a back end proxy to feed the RSS ?