Olkris2666 / Never

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Create a tag edits timeline #8

Open Olkris2666 opened 1 month ago

Olkris2666 commented 1 month ago

Transcript from Discord :

New feature idea When you merge tags and shit Instead of it being a one and done thing It'll create an operation that it'll add to the timeline of operations So then, let's say tag 0001 and tag 0002 got merged into tag 0003 If you find another file that had the tags 0001 and/or 0002 and add it to your library Olkris — Today at 2:56 AM The app will know that it needs to edit that file and replace by the tag 0003, thanks to the timeline of tag edits.

Olkris2666 commented 1 month ago

Obviously, that means that no tags can ever take previously taken IDs