OllieWP / ollie

A finely-crafted WordPress block theme by Mike McAlister
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make the Archives Pages the same as the Pages #127

Closed tibesararchives closed 3 months ago

tibesararchives commented 4 months ago

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tibesararchives commented 4 months ago

The header of the Archives (title; placement of the title; font size) are so different than the regular Pages. It seems theme developers always overlook this detail.

Please make the default main Archives Pages be consistent with the default Pages.

And, yes we modified our Archives Pages to match the header layouts within the Pages.

Thank you for a well designed Ollie block theme. We really like your attention to details Michael!

It's "Fine as frog's hair!"

mikemcalister commented 3 months ago

Sorry, but this is a stylistic choice I've made on this one. Glad you figured out how to modify it on your site though.