OllieWP / ollie

A finely-crafted WordPress block theme by Mike McAlister
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Accessible color options #140

Open clarklab opened 3 months ago

clarklab commented 3 months ago

Hello Ollie folks! First up, amazing theme, out the box. Really solid and excited to explore more. Next up:

Can we get some help/guidance when selecting colors with the Ollie Dash plugin? You only get to set a single brand color, but then that color is used for:

There are probably more, but that's what I spot on the homepage alone. Maybe some language about how/where the color will be used? Or a contrast check on white/dark backgrounds? Or the ability to set a light/dark version of the chosen color?

Happy to help or file more info. The easiest way to reproduce: create a new Ollie site and pick a lime green color.

I'm not sure the exact solution, and I've run into this problem on a number of other themes/platforms (I'm looking at you, Ghost CMS), but if we can come up with a solution here, Ollie could be one of the few builder themes that gets it right.

mikemcalister commented 2 months ago

Hey there,

Sorry for the delayed response, but thank you so much for this feedback, that's super helpful. We can definitely do a little more in terms of hints about what this will change. It's hard to set colors without being able to see what you're changing visually. We may even rework or move the colors to account for that.

Thanks again!