OllieWP / ollie

A finely-crafted WordPress block theme by Mike McAlister
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mobile Menu Close Button #147

Open jamesgiroux opened 1 month ago

jamesgiroux commented 1 month ago

So, I clicked enter accidentally. Sorry about that. I've noticed that the mobile menu close button takes on some styling that makes it hard to read.

CleanShot 2024-04-05 at 12 12 35@2x

I'm using a dark tertiary colour and that appears to be used for the button color background but the text color is our regular text color. I guess usually this isn't a problem but there are no options to change the color of the close button specifically in the block.

I'm hoping in a future release this might be something that I can do. Not sure if this is Ollie or WP related but just thought I'd provide the feedback. :-D