OllisGit / OctoPrint-FilamentManager

OctoPrint plugin to manage your filament inventory
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
53 stars 24 forks source link

malfunctioning FilamentManager ruins multiple prints #101

Open whitis opened 2 years ago

whitis commented 2 years ago

FilamentManager 1.9.1 on Octoprint 1.7.3 seems to be responsible for multiple inappropriate pauses in consquitive prints. Prints are interrupted by message "M0 command blocked" (there were no M0 commands in Gcode file) and Insufficient Filament. Had to hit resume. Print cooled down so layer adhesion will be poor. On most recent prints I was told there was insufficient filament to print and started anyway (there was a lot left on spool). On the first two I was not. It still interrupted the print. Further, filament manager doesn't give you the option to leave your prints alone when you reach the "end" of the spool.

First print broke in half in use - where FilamentManager stopped it. The current print has an 1/8" gap between layers in one corner caused by the unauthorized stop.

And the blocked M0 commands are still executed, they are just executed by OctoPrint instead of the printer.

Install plugins: Action Command Notification Support Gina Häußge Allows your printer to trigger notifications via action commands on the connection AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 \   \
Action Command Prompt Support Gina Häußge Allows your printer to trigger prompts via action commands on the connection AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Announcement Plugin Gina Häußge Announcements all around OctoPrint AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Anonymous Usage Tracking Homepage Gina Häußge Anonymous version and usage tracking, see homepage for details on what gets tracked AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Application Keys Plugin Gina Häußge, Aldo Hoeben Implements a workflow for third party clients to obtain API keys AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Backup & Restore Gina Häußge Backup & restore your OctoPrint settings and data AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Bed Visualizer (1.1.1) Homepage jneilliii Displays 3D mesh of bed topography report. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
BetterHeaterTimeout (1.3.0) Homepage T6 Turns off heaters after specified time being on and unused AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Cancel Objects (0.4.7) Homepage Paul Paukstelis Cancellation of single objects based on gcode comments AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Core Wizard Gina Häußge Provides wizard dialogs for core components and functionality AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Cost Estimation (3.5.0) Homepage Sven Lohrmann, Olli Displays the estimated print cost for the loaded model AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Cura Thumbnails (1.0.2) Homepage jneilliii Plugin that allows the upload of Cura exported ufp file format. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Detector2 Plugin (0.1.2) Homepage Mikulas Heinz Detect error AGPLv3 Python >=3,<4 |  \
Discovery Homepage Gina Häußge Makes the OctoPrint instance discoverable via Bonjour/Avahi/Zeroconf and uPnP AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
DisplayLayerProgress Plugin (1.28.0) Homepage Olli Displays the current processing layer and the percentage in Printer Display and in Desktop AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Error Tracking Gina Häußge AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Event Manager jneilliii Plugin to configure event subscriptions available in config.yaml. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Filament Manager (1.9.1) Homepage Sven Lohrmann, Olli Manage your spools and keep track of remaining filament on them AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
File Check (2021.2.23) Homepage Gina Häußge Checks for common issues in uploaded files AGPLv3 Python >2.7,<4 |  \
Firmware Check (2021.10.11) Homepage Gina Häußge Checks for unsafe or broken printer firmwares AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
GCode Viewer Gina Häußge Provides a GCODE viewer in OctoPrint's UI. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
GcodeEditor (0.2.12) Homepage ieatacid Edit gcode from OctoPrint AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Logging Shawn Bruce, based on work by Gina Häußge and Marc Hannappel Provides access to OctoPrint's logs and logging configuration. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Octolapse (0.4.1) Homepage Brad Hochgesang Create stabilized timelapses of your 3d prints. Highly customizable, loads of presets, lots of fun. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
OctoPrint-Wyze (0.2.1) Homepage Eric Shapiro Control Wyze devices through OctoPrint AGPLv3 Python >=3.8,<4 |  \
Preheat Button (0.8.0) Homepage Marian Kleineberg Automatically heat printhead to the printing temperature of the current gcode file AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
PrintJobHistory (1.17.0) Homepage OllisGit Collects all print jobs and stores the job data into a database AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Slicer Thumbnails (1.0.0) Homepage jneilliii Plugin that extracts thumbnails from uploaded gcode files sliced by PrusaSlicer. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Software Update Homepage Gina Häußge Allows receiving update notifications and performing updates of OctoPrint and plugins AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Thermal-Runaway (1.0.2) Homepage Alex Verrico An Octoprint Plugin to provide some basic Thermal Runaway protection AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Virtual Printer Gina Häußge, based on work by Daid Braam Provides a virtual printer via a virtual serial port for development and testing purposes AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Z Probe Offset (0.5) Homepage razer Control the z probe offset on marlin based printers. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 |  \
Action Command Notification Support Gina Häußge Allows your printer to trigger notifications via action commands on the connection AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Action Command Prompt Support Gina Häußge Allows your printer to trigger prompts via action commands on the connection AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Announcement Plugin Gina Häußge Announcements all around OctoPrint AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Anonymous Usage Tracking Homepage Gina Häußge Anonymous version and usage tracking, see homepage for details on what gets tracked AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Application Keys Plugin Gina Häußge, Aldo Hoeben Implements a workflow for third party clients to obtain API keys AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Backup & Restore Gina Häußge Backup & restore your OctoPrint settings and data AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Bed Visualizer (1.1.1) Homepage jneilliii Displays 3D mesh of bed topography report. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 BetterHeaterTimeout (1.3.0) Homepage T6 Turns off heaters after specified time being on and unused AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Cancel Objects (0.4.7) Homepage Paul Paukstelis Cancellation of single objects based on gcode comments AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Core Wizard Gina Häußge Provides wizard dialogs for core components and functionality AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Cost Estimation (3.5.0) Homepage Sven Lohrmann, Olli Displays the estimated print cost for the loaded model AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Cura Thumbnails (1.0.2) Homepage jneilliii Plugin that allows the upload of Cura exported ufp file format. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Detector2 Plugin (0.1.2) Homepage Mikulas Heinz Detect error AGPLv3 Python >=3,<4 Discovery Homepage Gina Häußge Makes the OctoPrint instance discoverable via Bonjour/Avahi/Zeroconf and uPnP AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
DisplayLayerProgress Plugin (1.28.0) Homepage Olli Displays the current processing layer and the percentage in Printer Display and in Desktop AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Error Tracking Gina Häußge AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Event Manager jneilliii Plugin to configure event subscriptions available in config.yaml. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Filament Manager (1.9.1) Homepage Sven Lohrmann, Olli Manage your spools and keep track of remaining filament on them AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
File Check (2021.2.23) Homepage Gina Häußge Checks for common issues in uploaded files AGPLv3 Python >2.7,<4 Firmware Check (2021.10.11) Homepage Gina Häußge Checks for unsafe or broken printer firmwares AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
GCode Viewer Gina Häußge Provides a GCODE viewer in OctoPrint's UI. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 GcodeEditor (0.2.12) Homepage ieatacid Edit gcode from OctoPrint AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Logging Shawn Bruce, based on work by Gina Häußge and Marc Hannappel Provides access to OctoPrint's logs and logging configuration. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Octolapse (0.4.1) Homepage Brad Hochgesang Create stabilized timelapses of your 3d prints. Highly customizable, loads of presets, lots of fun. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
OctoPrint-Wyze (0.2.1) Homepage Eric Shapiro Control Wyze devices through OctoPrint AGPLv3 Python >=3.8,<4 Preheat Button (0.8.0) Homepage Marian Kleineberg Automatically heat printhead to the printing temperature of the current gcode file AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
PrintJobHistory (1.17.0) Homepage OllisGit Collects all print jobs and stores the job data into a database AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Slicer Thumbnails (1.0.0) Homepage jneilliii Plugin that extracts thumbnails from uploaded gcode files sliced by PrusaSlicer. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Software Update Homepage Gina Häußge Allows receiving update notifications and performing updates of OctoPrint and plugins AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Thermal-Runaway (1.0.2) Homepage Alex Verrico An Octoprint Plugin to provide some basic Thermal Runaway protection AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
Virtual Printer Gina Häußge, based on work by Daid Braam Provides a virtual printer via a virtual serial port for development and testing purposes AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4 Z Probe Offset (0.5) Homepage razer Control the z probe offset on marlin based printers. AGPLv3 Python >=2.7,<4
whitis commented 2 years ago

One problem seems to be that when you think you ran off the end of the spool you don't update the amount of filament used/remaining so you keep running out on every print rather than getting past the point of running out.