OllisGit / OctoPrint-SpoolManager

Plugin for managing Spools
169 stars 59 forks source link

Dialog complained about no spool selected, even though one was and the plugin functioned otherwise as normal. #322

Closed charredUtensil closed 1 year ago

charredUtensil commented 1 year ago

A print finished as normal. I went to do a print the next day and was confronted with this dialog:


As you can see, the spool "Mint" is still selected below. I didn't change the spool, any settings on the spool, or even turn off the printer. The only thing that's changed from the successful print yesterday is that I uploaded this new gcode file. I tried deselecting and reselecting the spool, and that appears to function normally. The server log also seems to think it was successful:

2023-03-16 17:43:47,398 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_deselected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': None}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:02,385 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Store selected spool Mint for tool 0 in settings.
2023-03-16 17:44:02,385 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:05,161 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:05,496 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:06,053 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:06,295 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:21,530 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:slug_200.gcode finished, needed 524.69s
2023-03-16 17:44:51,832 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus

There are no errors in the JS console either. In the "spools" tab, all the settings still appear to be present and correct: Screenshot_2023-03-16_13-47-18

Did the same happen when all other 3rd party plugins are disabled? The only other plugin I had installed was Consolidated Tabs. Disabling it did not help. Everything else is from a stock OctoPi image.

Log file

2023-03-16 17:35:25,346 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ******************************************************************************
2023-03-16 17:35:25,350 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.8.6
2023-03-16 17:35:25,352 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ******************************************************************************
2023-03-16 17:35:25,819 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online
2023-03-16 17:35:25,820 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working
2023-03-16 17:35:25,820 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working
2023-03-16 17:35:26,362 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 3 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any), GcodeEditor (>=0.1.1,<=0.2.8), gcodeleveling (>=0.1.0,<=0.1.1)
2023-03-16 17:35:26,380 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages...
2023-03-16 17:35:30,265 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Plugin Filament Manager (1.9.1) is disabled.
2023-03-16 17:35:30,462 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Added settings overlay from plugin consolidatedtabs
2023-03-16 17:35:30,463 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 22 plugin(s) providing 21 mixin implementations, 44 hook handlers
2023-03-16 17:35:30,669 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval
2023-03-16 17:35:30,817 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started
2023-03-16 17:35:30,860 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads...
2023-03-16 17:35:30,916 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully.
2023-03-16 17:35:30,925 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_show')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,926 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_clear')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,926 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,927 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,928 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_manage'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,929 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_admin')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,930 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_GRANT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_user')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,932 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_backup_access')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,936 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_firmware_check_display')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,939 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_logging_manage')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,942 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pi_support: PLUGIN_PI_SUPPORT_STATUS (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pi_support_check')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,945 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_LIST (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_list')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,948 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,950 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_install')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,953 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_check')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,957 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_update')")
2023-03-16 17:35:30,960 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CONFIGURE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_configure')")
2023-03-16 17:35:32,966 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip
2023-03-16 17:35:34,836 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 22.3
2023-03-16 17:35:34,847 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes
2023-03-16 17:35:34,848 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes
2023-03-16 17:35:35,064 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk
2023-03-16 17:35:35,077 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Cleaned up -1 old update log entries
2023-03-16 17:35:35,078 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded update log from disk
2023-03-16 17:35:35,170 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Start initializing
2023-03-16 17:35:35,186 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager.DatabaseManager - INFO - Init DatabaseManager
2023-03-16 17:35:35,189 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager.DatabaseManager - INFO - Databasefile '/home/pi/.octoprint/data/SpoolManager/spoolmanager.db' exists: True
2023-03-16 17:35:35,197 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager.DatabaseManager - INFO - Check if database-scheme upgrade needed...
2023-03-16 17:35:35,202 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager.DatabaseManager - INFO - Current databasescheme: 7
2023-03-16 17:35:35,202 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager.DatabaseManager - INFO - ...Database-scheme upgraded not needed.
2023-03-16 17:35:35,203 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager.DatabaseManager - INFO - Database created-check done
2023-03-16 17:35:35,224 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Done initializing
2023-03-16 17:35:35,257 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 21 plugin implementation(s)
2023-03-16 17:35:35,293 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 22 plugin(s) registered with the system:
|  Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification
|  Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt
|  Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements
|  Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking
|  Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys
|  Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup
|  Consolidated Tabs (1.0.1) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_consolidatedtabs
|  Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard
|  Creality-2x-temperature-reporting-fix (0.0.4) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_ender3v2tempfix
|  Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery
|  Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking
|  Event Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/eventmanager
| !Filament Manager (1.9.1) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_filamentmanager
|  File Check (2021.2.23) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_file_check
|  Firmware Check (2021.10.11) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check
|  GCode Viewer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer
|  Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging
|  Pi Support Plugin (2022.6.13) (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_pi_support
|  Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager
|  Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate
|  SpoolManager Plugin (1.7.0) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_SpoolManager
|  Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer
Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible
2023-03-16 17:35:35,340 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 3.9.2 under Linux (linux). Details:
|  hardware:
|    cores: 4
|    freq: 1200.0
|    ram: 912883712
|  os:
|    bits: 32
|    id: linux
|    platform: linux
|  plugins:
|    pi_support:
|      model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
|      octopi_version: 1.0.0
|      octopiuptodate_build: 1.0.0-1.8.6-20230222095002
|      throttle_check_enabled: true
|      throttle_check_functional: true
|      throttle_state: '0x0'
|  python:
|    pip: '22.3'
|    version: 3.9.2
|    virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint
2023-03-16 17:35:35,368 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets...
2023-03-16 17:35:35,370 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache...
2023-03-16 17:35:35,371 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-manifest.json...
2023-03-16 17:35:35,545 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - WARNING - The Blueprint of this plugin is relying on the default implementation of is_blueprint_csrf_protected (newly added in OctoPrint 1.8.3), which in a future version will be switched from False to True for security reasons. Plugin authors should ensure they explicitly declare the CSRF protection status in their BlueprintPlugin mixin implementation. Recommendation is to enable CSRF protection and exempt views that must not use it with the octoprint.plugin.BlueprintPlugin.csrf_exempt decorator.
2023-03-16 17:35:35,545 - octoprint.server - WARNING - CSRF Protection for Blueprint of plugin SpoolManager is DISABLED
2023-03-16 17:35:36,480 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server...
2023-03-16 17:35:36,754 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down
2023-03-16 17:35:36,761 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event
2023-03-16 17:35:36,761 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 1 events to queue that were held back before startup event
2023-03-16 17:35:36,762 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue...
2023-03-16 17:35:36,787 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder...
2023-03-16 17:35:36,803 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done.
2023-03-16 17:35:36,842 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:slug_200.gcode
2023-03-16 17:35:36,850 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.01 --throttle-lines=100 --bed-z=0.0 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/slug_200.gcode
2023-03-16 17:35:36,854 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 1 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue
2023-03-16 17:35:37,234 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event system_unthrottled, payload: {'throttled_now': False, 'throttled_past': False, 'throttled_mask': 0, 'throttled_voltage_now': False, 'throttled_voltage_past': False, 'throttled_overheat_now': False, 'throttled_overheat_past': False}
2023-03-16 17:35:37,848 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on flick._http._tcp.local.' for _http._tcp.local.
2023-03-16 17:35:38,883 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on flick._octoprint._tcp.local.' for _octoprint._tcp.local.
2023-03-16 17:35:39,017 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on flick for SSDP
2023-03-16 17:35:40,398 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on
2023-03-16 17:35:41,560 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from disk, was still valid
2023-03-16 17:35:43,513 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python -m pip" as command to invoke pip
2023-03-16 17:35:43,536 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes
2023-03-16 17:35:43,536 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes
2023-03-16 17:35:43,552 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 4.4GB. That is considered sufficient for updating.
2023-03-16 17:35:43,692 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Fetching check overlays from https://plugins.octoprint.org/update_check_overlay.json
2023-03-16 17:35:45,075 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Plugin-State: filamentmanager=disabled 
2023-03-16 17:35:45,944 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event ping, payload: {'octoprint_uptime': 15, 'printer_state': 'OFFLINE'}
2023-03-16 17:35:46,818 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'version': '1.8.6', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1200.0, 'ram': 912883712, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.8.6-20230222095002', 'plugins': 'spoolmanager:1.7.0,ender3v2tempfix:0.0.4,consolidatedtabs:1.0.1'}
2023-03-16 17:35:46,869 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'base_url': '', 'path': '/', 'query_string': 'l10n=en'}
2023-03-16 17:35:47,589 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event startup, payload: {'version': '1.8.6', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.9.2', 'pip': '22.3', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1200.0, 'ram': 912883712, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2', 'octopi_version': '1.0.0', 'octopiuptodate_build': '1.0.0-1.8.6-20230222095002'}
2023-03-16 17:35:52,086 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded notice data from disk, was still valid
2023-03-16 17:36:25,248 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:36:25,264 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:36:26,180 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:36:26,182 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:36:27,270 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:36:27,271 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:12,019 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:12,022 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 145.15s
2023-03-16 17:38:12,135 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:12,205 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:12,442 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:12,486 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:12,644 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:12,645 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:13,064 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:13,596 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:13,597 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:14,242 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:14,442 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:14,741 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:15,194 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:15,650 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:15,964 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:16,189 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:16,189 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:16,274 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:16,364 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:16,430 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:16,582 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:16,807 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:17,341 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:17,786 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:17,786 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:28,236 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:28,277 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:28,453 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:28,587 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:28,778 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:28,843 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:28,973 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,059 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,162 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,236 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,437 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,534 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,603 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,670 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,758 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:29,893 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,054 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,122 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,210 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,284 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,402 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,554 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,618 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,692 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,766 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,870 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:30,970 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:31,513 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:32,134 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:32,514 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:33,233 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:33,644 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:33,923 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:34,594 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:34,706 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:34,762 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:34,827 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:34,874 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:34,931 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:35,163 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:35,220 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:35,275 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Found path / in cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached
2023-03-16 17:38:39,860 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:39,861 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:40,044 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:40,045 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:40,477 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:40,477 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:44,443 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:44,902 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:45,504 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user admin from ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:45,504 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: admin
2023-03-16 17:38:48,599 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:49,096 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:53,413 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:54,897 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:55,695 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User admin logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2023-03-16 17:38:56,013 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:56,467 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:38:56,949 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:39:04,726 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event webui_load, payload: {'browser_name': 'Chrome', 'browser_version': '', 'os_name': 'Linux', 'os_version': 'x86_64'}
2023-03-16 17:39:05,115 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:39:06,365 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:39:11,515 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection"
2023-03-16 17:39:11,609 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 7 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyUSB0@115200, /dev/ttyUSB0@250000, /dev/ttyUSB0@230400, /dev/ttyUSB0@57600, /dev/ttyUSB0@38400, /dev/ttyUSB0@19200, /dev/ttyUSB0@9600
2023-03-16 17:39:11,610 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200
2023-03-16 17:39:11,613 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 115200
2023-03-16 17:39:11,719 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s
2023-03-16 17:39:11,741 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2023-03-16 17:39:11,835 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational"
2023-03-16 17:39:11,846 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2023-03-16 17:39:12,063 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin Ver 1.0.2"
2023-03-16 17:39:12,185 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2023-03-16 17:39:12,622 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event printer_connected, payload: {'firmware_name': 'Marlin Ver 1.0.2', 'printer_port': 'AUTO', 'printer_baudrate': 0}
2023-03-16 17:39:20,703 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:39:24,213 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: slug_200.gcode, owner: admin, user: admin
2023-03-16 17:39:24,385 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:39:37,532 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:39:37,565 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:36,805 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Store selected spool Black for tool 0 in settings.
2023-03-16 17:40:36,805 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 1, 'spoolName': 'Black', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'black', 'remainingWeight': 111.51044153645637}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:39,155 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 1, 'spoolName': 'Black', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'black', 'remainingWeight': 111.51044153645637}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:39,645 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 1, 'spoolName': 'Black', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'black', 'remainingWeight': 111.51044153645637}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:45,085 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Store selected spool Mint for tool 0 in settings.
2023-03-16 17:40:45,086 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:47,698 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:48,445 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:55,580 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:40:55,629 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.4567143413989}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:41:56,687 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - API generate QR code for Spool with databaseId: 3
2023-03-16 17:42:18,534 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - API Save spool
2023-03-16 17:42:18,613 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Load spool for update with database id '3'
2023-03-16 17:42:19,482 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:19,849 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:20,039 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:23,281 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:23,439 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:28,375 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:28,645 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:36,637 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_deselected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': None}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:47,505 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Store selected spool Mint for tool 0 in settings.
2023-03-16 17:42:47,505 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:49,166 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:49,440 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:49,863 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:42:49,909 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:43:47,398 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_deselected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': None}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:02,385 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Store selected spool Mint for tool 0 in settings.
2023-03-16 17:44:02,385 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:05,161 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:05,496 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:06,053 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:06,295 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus
2023-03-16 17:44:21,530 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:slug_200.gcode finished, needed 524.69s
2023-03-16 17:44:51,832 - octoprint.plugins.SpoolManager - INFO - Send Event 'plugin_spoolmanager_spool_selected' with payload '{'toolId': 0, 'databaseId': 3, 'spoolName': 'Mint', 'material': 'PLA', 'colorName': 'mint', 'remainingWeight': 737.5}' to event-bus

I also tried restarting the entire computer multiple times, but this didn't resolve it. However, once the print finished, the total remaining filament updated correctly - and then I was able to print several more things without this reproducing.

Screenshots Inline

Additional context I recently switched from FilamentManager to SpoolManager but this is the first time I'm seeing this issue. Again, I changed absolutely nothing from yesterday when this was working fine. My hunch is that maybe this doesn't work if the backend isn't done analyzing the file, and the error message is just confusing?

SirFlour commented 1 year ago

Same message for me :_(

charredUtensil commented 1 year ago

So after more testing, I believe this is a misleading error message, and the cause is actually SpoolManager failing to compute filament usage in the gcode file. The reason I think that is I have one gcode file that always generates the error: It's for leveling the print bed. It doesn't doesn't extrude any filament or heat up the nozzle.

I'm not very familiar with this codebase, but the error seems to be decided here: https://github.com/OllisGit/OctoPrint-SpoolManager/blob/dea8d64c1849c970f3616e158260c4c6fef5a4b7/octoprint_SpoolManager/api/SpoolManagerAPI.py#L378

SirFlour commented 1 year ago

i have the same effect. some gcode work and newest one not. i changed to the latest prusa-slicer version, maybe something changed in the gcode. Or maybe some settings in the slicer?

charredUtensil commented 1 year ago

I can also consistently reproduce this bug by uploading a different gcode file with the same name (overwrite) and then immediately printing it. After a few minutes and a few failed prints, SpoolManager eventually stops complaining and behaves normally.

rubienr commented 1 year ago

I can reproduce it as follows:

  1. slice and upload file to OctoPrint (preferably a larger one)
  2. immediately try to start the print before OctoPrint has finished the file analysis
  3. spool manager will say:

    ATTENTION: Needed filament could not calculated (missing metadata or spool-fields)
    There are no spools selected for the following tools despite them being used (maybe) by this print:
    - Tool 0
    - Tool 1
    Do you want to start the print without selected spools?

    In contrast if i wait until the fie has been analyzed the pre-selected spool is chosen as expected.

Since i have larger files to print and OP is running on a BananaPi, it may take ages until the file is processed. Thus i wish i could disable "Settings -> Features -> Features -> Analyze gcode for time and model size estimates -> Never". But disabling this feature with OctoPrint: 1.8.7 + Spool Manager: 1.7.0 will never allow me to select any spool (as described above).

Suggestion: If the user starts a print of a file that has not been analyzed so far, still allow the user to start the print with the preselected spool.

Workaround: Leave file analysis enabled and wait until OP reports the Approx. Total Print Time: as "xx minutes" instead of "-". This is an indicator that the file processing has finished.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked for closing, because it has not had activity in 30 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs in 10 days.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue was closed, because it has been already marked for 10 days with no activity.