I followed the instructions and split everything into chunks, in this case i just created function for each part of the layout that we're creating. Added docstring for each function
Did not add helper functions like create_searchbar() and create_summary_list(). Searchbar is already in a ticket.
Submitters checklist
[x] I have checked that I am actually working in the right branch for the purpose of the baglock ticket
[x] I have performed a self-review of my code
[x] I have done a git pull from the remote main branch to make sure there arent any conflicts
[x] I have resolved any eventual conflicts stemming from the point above
[x] I have checked that the naming of my variables, functions, classes are easily understandable
[x] I have ran a pytest on my test code and everything works as it should
[x] I have added comments to code that will be otherwise be complicated for others
[x] I have checked that my code is properly formatted
[x] I have summarized my changes :point_up:
[x] I have assigned someone else to review my code
[ ] I have fixed all problems that the reviewer found
[ ] The CI/CD pipeline is working (Disregard this in the start of the project)
Start with a smile
Describe your changes
I followed the instructions and split everything into chunks, in this case i just created function for each part of the layout that we're creating. Added docstring for each function
Did not add helper functions like create_searchbar() and create_summary_list(). Searchbar is already in a ticket.
Submitters checklist