deposit = float(input("Enter the amount of money you are depositing: "))
rate = float(input("Enter the interest rate (as a percentage): "))
years = int(input("Enter the number of years you plan on investing: "))
# Convert interest rate to decimal
rate /= 100
# Ask for interest type: simple or compound
interest_type = input("Do you want simple or compound interest? ").lower()
# Calculate total amount based on interest type
if interest_type == "simple":
total_amount = deposit * (1 + rate * years)
elif interest_type == "compound":
total_amount = deposit * math.pow((1 + rate), years)
print("Invalid interest type entered.")
# Print the total amount after the given period
print("Total amount after {} years: {:.2f}".format(years, total_amount))
Function to calculate bond repayment
def bond_calculator():
Input present value, interest rate, and months
present_value = float(input("Enter the present value of the house: "))
rate = float(input("Enter the interest rate (as a percentage): "))
months = int(input("Enter the number of months for repayment: "))
# Convert interest rate to decimal and calculate monthly rate
rate /= 100
monthly_rate = rate / 12
# Calculate bond repayment amount
repayment = (monthly_rate * present_value) / (1 - math.pow((1 + monthly_rate), -months))
# Print the monthly repayment amount
print("Monthly repayment amount: {:.2f}".format(repayment))
Main function
def main():
Display menu
print("Welcome to the financial calculator!")
print("1. Investment - to calculate the amount of interest you'll earn on your investment")
print("2. Bond - to calculate the amount you'll have to pay on a home loan")
# Get user choice and convert to lowercase
option = input("Enter either 'investment' or 'bond' from the menu above to proceed: ").lower()
# Execute based on user choice
if option == "investment":
elif option == "bond":
print("Invalid option selected.")
import math
Function to calculate investment
def investment_calculator():
Input deposit amount, interest rate, and years
Function to calculate bond repayment
def bond_calculator():
Input present value, interest rate, and months
Main function
def main():
Display menu
Execute the main function
if name == "main": main()