OmarShafie / hadith

a search engine which provides Visual analysis of Hadith Isnad tree
GNU General Public License v3.0
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search over hadiths instead of over route #7

Open OmarShafie opened 4 years ago

OmarShafie commented 4 years ago

( for analytics, not necessarily for non coder user)

I would like to be able to perform searches over hadiths instead of over routes

Not sure how to have such solution yet :)

Please suggest a way you can think of..

It is quite common to call routes hadiths in scholarly literature

OmarShafie commented 4 years ago

Search by أطراف , تخريج, or exact match+similarity clustering

OmarShafie commented 3 years ago

This can be done by a pattern search over takhreeg data:

I need a grammer to identify if the takhreeg family:

  1. contains the hadith ما أخرجه البخاري ومسلم
  2. Included x times ما خرجه البخاري مرتين فأكثر
  3. Isnad Length comparison ما أخرجه مسلم بسند أعلى من البخاري
  4. Matn comparison ما أخرجه البخاري مختصرا أو مطولا أو متفقا مع مسلم
OmarShafie commented 3 years ago

This idea can be further expanded to include 2 pattern expression evaluations, one on the takhreeg and another on the narrators.

OmarShafie commented 3 years ago

The takhreej search can include a filter grammer for including the critic/scholar grade classes

OmarShafie commented 3 years ago

most of requests are solved like this