OmarShehata / works-in-progress

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"Fork the web" jam #5

Open OmarShehata opened 2 months ago

OmarShehata commented 2 months ago

A jam where we explore this idea of "forking the web". as in, let's say you enjoy using substack, but you wish it had a mode where your readers can leave notes/questions, that you can then see/or that they can share etc.

Well, you COULD just copy the HTML and tweak it to build that feature on top of it! You don't have to build a whole new platform from scratch! you can just "fork substack" !!

live demo of this: tweet

here's a sillier version where it just rains emojis in the article:

OmarShehata commented 2 months ago

it's sort of an exercise in "what interfaces do you really want to see?"

like, there's a lot of things I give up on building because, it would work only if it had this many users join or if it had a whole platform with it etc. But it doesn't have to be fully fledged/built out. You can just prototype it.

Like, a lot of people want this idea of:

this requires everyone to share the same browser extension or platform etc. but you can just make a version of this, for 1 article, with 3 of your friends, just to demonstrate how it would look/feel, how you want it to look like. As a way of helping us envision the future.

other people asking for this specific idea:

I feel like we could do this with RSS or something. Like, imagine if

  • I can "quote tweet" articles and post on mastodon, and that publishes an RSS feed of [my post] + [the article]
  • you follow me (on twitter/masto) and that post comes up when you visit that URL

OmarShehata commented 2 months ago

the real motivating factor is realizing that, a lot of the web, and products, evolve this way. Not top down from the company, but bottom up, from how users are using it with each other

OmarShehata commented 1 month ago

asterisk mag has an interface that lets you add notes!!!