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documentation for configuration in wiki #1280

Closed Magikarplvl4 closed 7 years ago

Magikarplvl4 commented 7 years ago

I'm going to work on a wikipedia page to make some documentation for configuration. My english is not very good on this point so maybe someone can help me to improve the text when i'm finished :)

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

i would be happy to help. i could even do my own documentation and send it to you. i just dont want to duplicate efforts.

Magikarplvl4 commented 7 years ago

@sydeburnz Cool, maybe we can splitt out the work so we can do it faster :)

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

how about i just knock it out and send it to you for revview, additions and adding to the wiki?

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

i also think the windows install should be brought in house to the wiki instead of pointing to an external source that still says becaues it is confusing to a n00b.

Magikarplvl4 commented 7 years ago

@sydeburnz yeah good idea, lets do it :)

Magikarplvl4 commented 7 years ago

@sydeburnz maybe we can work with printscreens and explain what the functions are doing. (like subzero it did on his wikipedia page)

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

what timezone are you in? if you give me a few hours, i can probably have a rough doc for configuration. with step by step and screenshots.

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

@SuperPotatoMen and you can work on the windows install documentation?

Magikarplvl4 commented 7 years ago

@sydeburnz Timezone is +1 :) \You can start already, i will check later on

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

here is my first draft of the config guide Configuration Guide for Ombi.pdf

tidusjar commented 7 years ago

Wow guys, thanks a lot!

Sydeburnz here is some information about the yellow parts

Ombi Configuration: Base Url:

This is for when the user want's to use some sort of reverse proxy. Once the base url is enetered e.g. base everything on the website will be the following: http://localhost/base/ including all scripts and assets.

API Key this if the Ombi API key, Ombi has it's own API (Not great at the moment and I will be reworking sometime soon)

Ombi: Customization Settings Enable Issues

This is to enable the users to report issues for media available on the server either from the search page or requests page

I'll update this post when I have a bit more time

Magikarplvl4 commented 7 years ago

@sydeburnz i will look at this today. It looks great!

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

can you tell i do documentation and cookbooks for our dev team and infrastructure for my day job?


sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

updated Configuration Guide for Ombi.pdf

tidusjar commented 7 years ago

Enable Netflix results to be shown in the search

When searching for movies / tv shows if this is enabled we will also call the Netflix Roulette API to check if this is available on Netflix. If so it will show a "Available on Netflix" icon

Recently Added Email (CRON) I think this is for the newsletter? Why does the cron have a ? in the settings Is there any more explanation on this page?

This is a CRON Expression that will determine when the newsletter is sent.

Ombi: Request Fault Queue

When there is an error either adding a request OR sending a request to a third party client e.g. Sonarr/Radarr/CP then we will put it into this queue and keep trying. So if the error is that Sonarr is down when we try and send that media to it, it will add it to the queue and keep retrying until Sonarr is back up and we get a successful result.

It's looking really good!

I think it worth putting these into the wiki!

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

3rd time is a charm Configuration Guide for Ombi.pdf

leveraged7 commented 7 years ago

I use Pushbullet and I have it setup/configured and working. Would you like me to type up some info and send it?

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

that would be great. grab a before and after screenshot if you can

leveraged7 commented 7 years ago

@sydeburnz - So do I send this to you directly, or just drop the pictures and the text into "this box" LOL, and you can cut and paste from there?

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

@leveraged7 - you can add a text file and images here as an attachment

leveraged7 commented 7 years ago

1_before-pushbullet.pdf 2_before access token-pushbullet.pdf 3_after access token-pushbullet.pdf 4_api-token as password.pdf 5_api-device list-pushbullet.pdf 6_success.pdf

Please note. Before setting up Pushbullet Notifications, must have a valid Pushbullet account. (It's Free) (Photo 1) Step 1. From the Admin Settings -> Notifications -> Pushbullet Notifications Menu. Click on enable Pushbullet and then Right click on the "Pushbullet", open in a new tab and login into your Pushbullet Account. (Photo 2) Step 2. Click on settings, click on account and scroll down to Access Tokens. Click on create Access Token. WARNING: This is a full access API so do not go around posting your API on the interwebz.
(Photo 3) Step 3.) Copy the Access Token and paste it into an open notepad file for easy access. If you only have one device registered with Pushbullet or if you want to send push notifications to ALL registered devices, then copy and paste this access token to the access token box in Ombi.
Proceed to Step 6** (Photo 4) Step 4.) If you want to send to specific devices only, in our example an iPhone, we need the Pushbullet Identification for that device. (You can go to to educate yourself on the Pushbullet API.) Open up a new browser tab and proceed to You will be prompted for a user name and password, enter your Access Token as both the User Name and Password. This is the API function to call for the list of all devices associated with your Pushbullet Account. (Photo 5) Step 5.) After you enter in your access token as both the username and the password, it will return a list of devices both active and inactive associated with your account. Look for the device that you want to send the Pushbullet Notifications to and grab the string of characters and numbers to the right of the "iden:" tag. (In Photo 6, it is highlighted blue and underlined) You do not need the quotations "" just everything in between. Copy and paste this into an empty notepad and proceed to Step 6. (Photo 6) Step 6.) If you are pushing to all devices or only have one device registered, leave the device Identification blank and only enter in your Access Token. If you are wanting to only push to certain devices, enter the Device Identification under "Device Identifier".
Click on Test and then click on submit and enjoy your Pushbullet Notifications. They are near instantaneous. (Photo 7) iOS Sample Screenshot. 7_iPhone Pushbullet.pdf

leveraged7 commented 7 years ago

Feel free to change the wording around it so sounds better and matches with the rest of the document. I hope this is helpful. Enjoy

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

with pushbullet added Configuration Guide for Ombi.pdf

MadsKejser commented 7 years ago

Really nice work sydeburnz.

I just noticed that in the index you have multiple instances where some text goes as a heading.

Page 2 in the middle Page 3 top and buttom Page 4 middle and buttom Page 5 top, middle and buttom Page 6 top and middle

Each is with this wording: "This is for when the user wants to use some sort of reverse proxy. Once the base URL is entered (ex. base) everything on the website will be the following: http://localhost/base/ including all scripts and assets."

But again - you did a really nice job!. :) 👍

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

thanks. has now been converted over to the wiki (without images for now)

will look at the notes you left.

sydeburnz commented 7 years ago

fixed table of contents formatting. Configuration Guide for Ombi.pdf