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zsh: command not found: git_info_for_prompt #30

Closed nop33 closed 3 years ago

nop33 commented 6 years ago

In the file zsh/config.zsh the command git_info_for_prompt is referenced, but it doesn't exist anywhere in the project. I found this out after a clean install. When the make command finished and I opened a new terminal window, I got the error message:

zsh: command not found: git_info_for_prompt
OmeGak commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure, but I think that's a Git built-in. It probably has something to do with your PATH. I just checked in my system and doing

$ echo $(git_info_for_prompt)
zsh: command not found: git_info_for_prompt

However, if I print PS1, I can see that git_info_for_prompt got resolved when sourcing config.zsh.

$ echo ${PS1}
$(username): $(directory_name) $(git_dirty)$(need_push)

I would need to debug and see why it resolves to $(git_dirty)$(need_push).

nop33 commented 6 years ago

The the hint from I managed to solve the problem by replacing

pinstall brew zplug


git clone ~/.zplug

in .dot/zsh/ and

export ZPLUG=$BREWDIR/opt/zplug


export ZPLUG=$HOME/.zplug

in .dot/zsh/zshenv.symlink Don't ask me why.