Closed livingsilver94 closed 11 years ago
What method did you call to get the response?
Ok,I think you are misunderstanding how the API works. You don't get all the information in one go, you have to make several calls to get the information that you require.
If the method you are calling has an "appendToMethod" you can add keywords to get the extra information, e.g.
MovieDb m = tmdb.getMovieInfo(668, "it");
will get the basic information, where as
MovieDb m = tmdb.getMovieInfo(668, "it", "casts,images");
will get the basic information plus cast and images
Clear and simple! I didn't know that proceeding because I was just using tmdb.searchMovie()
. Thank you!
Hello! despite there are the information I'm looking for on, that API is getting null values. This is the movie page and that's the JSON downloaded:
MovieDb[backdropPath=/l2axRuw41k2qZMe9YktDG1jKE3s.jpg,id=668,originalTitle=On Her Majesty's Secret Service,popularity=3.3239927,posterPath=/dga3zRbnXiqMNPvUnQNIdHsjtFf.jpg,releaseDate=1969-12-18,title=007 - Al servizio segreto di Sua Maestà,adult=false,belongsToCollection=<null>,budget=0,genres=<null>,homepage=<null>,imdbID=<null>,overview=<null>,productionCompanies=<null>,productionCountries=<null>,revenue=0,runtime=0,spokenLanguages=<null>,tagline=<null>,userRating=0.0,voteAverage=6.2,voteCount=87,status=<null>,alternativeTitles=<null>,casts=<null>,images=<null>,keywords=<null>,releases=<null>,trailers=<null>,translations=<null>,similarMovies=<null>,reviews=<null>,lists=<null>]
I tried both maven and github sources. Am I noob? (I am :P)
EDIT: I got that string by means of
System.out.println(MovieDb movie)