Omikhleia / sindict

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PE/22 (re-) assessment - missing entries (check) #25

Open Omikhleia opened 3 years ago

Omikhleia commented 3 years ago

Follow-up to #24, but for missing entries from PE/22 = ticket opened to track them beyond those already found and reported in #14

N.B. I've build a very rough list (maybe with duplicates, but still long anyway). May try later clean it and upload it here. Globally, it mostly concerts inflected/mutated forms + a few variants to existing entries with a different diacritic (e.g. macron, &c).

Omikhleia commented 3 years ago

Finally, the old list was too messy. Here follows a (rather brutal) fuzzy search for mismatch with Eldamo 0.7.9. The good side is the it confirms #14. The downside is that the refs have to be checked (for gloss, language, &c) and we must decide what to use - but it can be a starting point. As stated, it was a rather fuzzy and brute-forced cross-check, no guarantee it is accurate or complete... :dagger:

amb PE/22:35, amrún PE/22:35, Amrūn PE/22:41, andrand PE/22:41, ang-weð PE/22:32, ara PE/22:148, aran Ċhithlum PE/22:33, arahaðm PE/22:148, arahaðw PE/22:148, archaf PE/22:148, aþon PE/22:167, athab PE/22:167, atha- PE/22:167, gathra PE/22:166, gathur PE/22:166, athra PE/22:166, athur PE/22:166, bár PE/22:35, i·mmeir PE/22:35, băr PE/22:36, bĕı̯r PE/22:36, bār PE/22:36, be͡ır PE/22:36, feleriandren PE/22:34, Belerian(d)ren PE/22:36, boda PE/22:161, clei PE/22:34, coen PE/22:34, Dagor-vregedur PE/22:34, Dagor Vregedur PE/22:41, đa PE/22:165, dór PE/22:33, i·ðór PE/22:33, i·nnýr PE/22:33, dór PE/22:36, i·nnýr PE/22:36, dȳr PE/22:38, dy̆r PE/22:38, gas-dil PE/22:34, gil- PE/22:159, i'oloð PE/22:34, i·Ngœlœiđ PE/22:41, i·Ngeleð PE/22:41, gŏnn PE/22:36, gondoliðren PE/22:34, Gondoliðren PE/22:36, i ngweið PE/22:32, weð PE/22:32, haðw PE/22:148, haðwa PE/22:148, haðwad PE/22:148, úchebin PE/22:160, -iel PE/22:152, im(b)lad PE/22:127, im(b)lad PE/22:127, las PE/22:166, linnathol PE/22:167, i·mhalt PE/22:35, mauth PE/22:34, vegli PE/22:33, Meglivorn PE/22:33, Meglivorn PE/22:34, Meglivorn PE/22:41, mirieil PE/22:152, mirieail PE/22:152, vorn PE/22:33, nið PE/22:165, níða PE/22:165, nírnaeth arnediad PE/22:41, nĭth PE/22:37, níth PE/22:37, Orchalammoth PE/22:41, œrœid PE/22:41, i-phinn PE/22:67, Pennas na Ngeleð PE/22:41, rhūn PE/22:35, rhuin PE/22:34, saęw PE/22:32, sî PE/22:147, ithail PE/22:67, tew PE/22:31, dew PE/22:31, þorn PE/22:159, Thoronı̯on PE/22:159, Thoron-hîn[?] PE/22:159, Thoryn(i) PE/22:159

Omikhleia commented 2 years ago


penn N. PE/22:67 pl. pinn PE/22:67 "in i-phinn, the Elves, for i-finn after the normal penn, pl. pinn"

Omikhleia commented 2 years ago


no S. PE/22:165 replaced by dha in inn dha v'im (so missing entry, rather than missing ref.)

L-ND-L commented 2 years ago

Pas certain de savoir quoi faire en premier lieu : si je prends les deux premières, je constate qu'il n'y a pas d'entrée am dans le Dictionnaire, mais qu'il y a une entrée amrûn (avec circonflexe, pas accent aigu), qui référence d'ailleurs le PE 22, p. 35.

Du coup, l'idée serait de vérifier dans le PE 22 les 86 références listées ci-dessus ?