Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Maa-Vimala
67 stars 125 forks source link

footer and sign-in sign-out pages #341

Open Priti9075 opened 3 weeks ago

Priti9075 commented 3 weeks ago

I noticed that the footer and sign-in/sign-out pages are missing. I would like to address this issue by adding these pages. Could you please assign me this task under GSOC24? Screenshot (276)

Pjdash commented 3 weeks ago

I will add sign in option( user can either create new account or login to their previous once) in the navbar . which when clicked will convert into signout option . display of sign in page will include the following user entries

  1. user name
  2. email address
  3. password option like forgot password plz assign me this issue i wish to work on this
Aditii-1 commented 3 weeks ago

kindly assign it to me under GSSoC'24 @Omkar-Sonawane-23