Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Maa-Vimala
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Add Hamburger Menu to Navbar and Ensure Responsiveness on All Devices #353

Open Skb08 opened 3 weeks ago

Skb08 commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Yes, due to the absence of the hamburger navbar is not responsive on all devices and affects user experience.

Describe the solution you'd like We need to enhance our website's navigation bar by adding a hamburger menu for a better user experience on mobile and tablet devices. This will make the navbar responsive and ensure that it adapts to different screen sizes seamlessly.

iamrudhresh commented 3 weeks ago

I hope you're doing great! As a GSSoC contributor, I'm keen on ramping up my involvement for GSSoC'24. Could you please assign this issue to me? I'm excited to continue contributing to the project. Thanks a bunch!

Pjdash commented 3 weeks ago

I would like to add a hamburger menu to the nav bar . I will use bootstrap to ensure the responsiveness of the menu ..Menu option will be displayed as the button on the navbar