Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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Addition of FOOTER in all pages #425

Open DhayanandhS opened 1 month ago

DhayanandhS commented 1 month ago

I have already made an issue #424 , I'm adding this issue in case I don't get the previous issue.

We can see in the website, only the landing page and contact us page contains FOOTER and that too it is very simple in design.

A website should contain FOOTER.

I would like to add FOOTER to all other pages so that user can navigate through all pages easily.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 205748 Screenshot 2024-05-24 205803 Screenshot 2024-05-24 205817

I assure you the FOOTER will have responsive links and all with more appealing design.

Alternative plan : I can just add simple FOOTER for all page.

Can you please assign me this issue?

meenakshiiyer2531 commented 1 month ago

Hey @Omkar-Sonawane-23 Can this issue be assigned to me for gssoc '24 Regards, V Meenakshi Iyer