Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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images are not displayed #433

Open Dhevamuthu opened 1 month ago

Dhevamuthu commented 1 month ago

Screenshot 2024-05-25 125722

Describe the bug Some images are not being displayed on certain cards within the app's place detail page, and the sizes of the cards appear inconsistent.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Go to the place detail page within the app. Observe missing images on certain cards. Notice the irregular sizing of cards. Expected behavior All images associated with place details should load properly and be displayed within their respective cards. Card sizes should be consistent and visually appealing, enhancing the presentation of place information.

Screenshots [Optional: Attach screenshots illustrating the problematic images and card sizes for better understanding.]

Desktop (please complete the following information):

OS: [e.g. Windows 10] Browser: [e.g. Chrome, Firefox] Version: [e.g. 91.0.4472.124] Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Device: [e.g. iPhone 12] OS: [e.g. iOS 15] Browser: [e.g. Safari, Chrome] Version: [e.g. 15.1] Additional context These issues impact the user experience and the overall aesthetic appeal of the app. Ensuring consistent image display and card sizing is crucial for providing users with accurate and visually pleasing information about each place.

Dhevamuthu commented 1 month ago

please mark it as gssoc and assign it to me as I can solve this issue