Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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Open Dhevamuthu opened 1 month ago

Dhevamuthu commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The current display of cards on the place detail page lacks visual appeal and consistency, which may deter users from engaging with the content effectively.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like the cards on the place detail page to be visually attractive and consistent in size, enhancing the overall user experience. This could involve implementing a more appealing design layout, optimizing image display, and ensuring uniformity in card dimensions.

Describe alternatives you've considered An alternative solution could be to introduce dynamic card resizing based on the content within each card, ensuring that images and text fit neatly without excessive white space. Additionally, enhancing the visual elements such as borders, shadows, and color schemes could also contribute to a more engaging user experience.

Additional context Improving the visual presentation of cards on the place detail page is essential for capturing and retaining user interest. A visually appealing layout can significantly enhance the perceived quality of the app and encourage users to explore the content further. Screenshot 2024-05-25 130352

Dhevamuthu commented 1 month ago

please mark it as gssoc 2024 label and assign it to me as I can make the page user attractive