Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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Feature Request: Enhanced Detail Access about the place #435

Open Dhevamuthu opened 1 month ago

Dhevamuthu commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm always frustrated when using the Travel app because it only provides limited details about the places I'm interested in. There is no link or option to access additional information, which makes it difficult to get a comprehensive understanding of the places I want to visit. This limitation hampers my ability to effectively plan my trips and make informed decisions.

Describe the solution you'd like I would like the Travel app to include links or buttons that allow users to access more detailed information about each place. This could be achieved by:

Adding a "More Info" button on each place's page that directs users to a detailed page within the app or an external website. Integrating with external travel information sources, such as Wikipedia, TripAdvisor, or local tourism websites, to provide extensive details, user reviews, historical context, nearby attractions, and travel tips. Offering additional resources such as articles, photos, and videos about the place directly within the app.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Expanding Internal Content: The app could build a more extensive internal database with richer content for each place, negating the need for external links. User-Generated Content: Allowing users to add and share their own detailed reviews, tips, and photos could enhance the amount of information available without relying solely on external sources. Partnering with Travel Blogs: Partnering with popular travel bloggers and content creators to provide detailed guides and articles about various places within the app. Additional context Adding this feature would greatly enhance the user experience by providing comprehensive travel information and enabling better trip planning. Here's a mock-up of how the "More Info" button might look on a place's page:

This feature could also improve user engagement by making the app a more valuable resource for travelers.

Dhevamuthu commented 1 month ago

please mark it as gssoc 2024 label and assign me this issue ... Being a GSSOC contributor, I can add the feature