Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
63 stars 120 forks source link

Sort the places according to distance from user #441

Open Sujal7ss opened 1 month ago

Sujal7ss commented 1 month ago

Feature The places shown in the website are hardcoded. It will be great if we sort them according to the distance from the user. The user can see the closest place to them.

Description Along with the places data, keep track of the latitude and longitude. so it can be used to calculate the distance.

Sujal7ss commented 1 month ago

@Omkar-Sonawane-23 I am a gssoc contributor and want to work on this issue. Please assign this issue to me. Add the required gssoc labels.

bhavanishanker-png commented 4 weeks ago

please assign this issue to me, i can work on this, i have made the local setup as well, i can make the changes, and resolve this issue