Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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Design a New Footer for the Application #451

Open kashnx opened 1 month ago

kashnx commented 1 month ago

Issue Description: A designed footer is needed to improve visual appeal, usability, and consistency with the rest of the site.

Certainly! Here’s a detailed issue description for designing the footer, along with a request to assign it to you:

Title: Design a New Footer for the Application

Issue Description: The current footer lacks a cohesive design and does not align with the overall aesthetic of the application. A redesigned footer is needed to improve visual appeal, usability, and consistency with the rest of the site.

I will Create a mockup for the new footer, ensuring it includes essential elements such as: Navigation links (e.g., Home, About, Services, Contact) Social media icons/links Contact information Copyright notice

Request: Please assign this issue to me. I will design and implement a new footer that enhances the visual appeal and usability of the application.

prach123i commented 4 weeks ago

Pull Request Title: Design and Implement a New Footer for the Application

Pull Request Description: Issue Description: The current footer of the application lacks a cohesive design and does not align with the overall aesthetic of the site. To improve the visual appeal, usability, and consistency with the rest of the application, a redesigned footer is needed.

Solution: I will create a mockup and implemented a new footer design that includes the following essential elements:

Navigation Links: Home, About, Services, Contact Social Media Icons/Links: Links to the application's social media profiles Contact Information: Address, phone number, and email Copyright Notice: Appropriate copyright information

Changes Made: Redesigned the footer to match the overall aesthetic of the site Added navigation links to enhance user navigation Included social media icons with links to improve user engagement Provided contact information for better accessibility Added a copyright notice to ensure legal compliance

Testing: Verified that all links navigate correctly Ensured that the design is responsive and works on different screen sizes Confirmed that all social media icons link to the correct profiles Checked that contact information is accurate and clearly visible

By submitting this pull request, I aim to enhance the visual appeal and usability of the application’s footer, ensuring it aligns with the overall design and improves the user experience.

Thank you for considering my contribution.

Hanshika248 commented 3 weeks ago

please assign me the issue I would love to solve the issue