Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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Solved BUG, 404 on Refresh, Issue #407 #456

Closed Debatreya closed 2 weeks ago

Debatreya commented 4 weeks ago

Fixed Issue #407

Added vercel.json

Which has redirect rules that says redirect any request that has /* to /, which solves the problem.

Added _redirects file in public

It is for tackling such problems if you try to deploy the build files using (npm run build) and have a server.


In future you have have to deploy it using the server, by serving the static files in dist., In that case place the Static file serving code proper position, otherwise you may face the same problem.

Please ADD gssoc and level 2 to the issue #407 before merging.

vercel[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

@Debatreya is attempting to deploy a commit to the web404's projects Team on Vercel.

A member of the Team first needs to authorize it.