Omkar-Sonawane-23 / Tourism
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Add Soft Fade In/Out Effect to "Places" Section Cards #478

Open ayushnandi opened 3 weeks ago

ayushnandi commented 3 weeks ago

Bug: Add Soft Fade In/Out Effect to "Places" Section Cards


Each card in the "Places" section currently lacks transition effects when images change, making the experience less interactive(Adds a ) and engaging for users.

Proposed Enhancement :


Add a soft fade in/out effect to image transitions within each card in the "Places" section. This will enhance interactivity and make the user experience more visually appealing.

Expected Outcome

Implementing a soft fade in/out effect for image transitions will improve user engagement and make the "Places" section more dynamic. This enhancement aligns with our goal of creating a user-friendly and visually appealing website.

Additional Details

Kindly assign this issue to me under GSSoC 24 level2.

ayushnandi commented 2 weeks ago

@Omkar-Sonawane-23 kindly notice