Omkar-Sonawane-23 / VedicVani
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Implement a Custom 404 Page #181

Open biswarup-naha opened 1 month ago

biswarup-naha commented 1 month ago


Our application currently lacks a custom 404 page, which results in a poor user experience when users navigate to non-existent routes. A well-designed 404 page can help users find their way back to relevant content and improve the overall user experience.


Feature Requirements

  1. Design and Layout:

    • The 404 page should have a user-friendly design consistent with the overall site theme.
    • It should include a message indicating that the page could not be found.
    • Provide navigation options to guide users back to the home page or other relevant sections.
  2. Functionality:

    • The 404 page should be displayed for any non-existent routes or pages.
    • Ensure the page is responsive and works well on different devices and screen sizes.
  3. Content:

    • A clear message such as "Oops! The page you are looking for does not exist."
    • A link to the home page.
  4. Technical Implementation:

    • Modify the server-side routing to serve the 404 page for unknown routes.
    • Ensure the page is properly integrated with the existing site structure and routing mechanism.
    • Test the implementation across different scenarios to confirm it's working as expected.

Additional Notes

Acceptance Criteria

@Omkar-Sonawane-23 Kindly assign me this issue under gssoc I will be happy to implement the functionality.

Sarthakyadav98 commented 1 month ago

I would like to work on this. I am a MERN Stack Developer from IIIT-K. You can get over my portfolio and LinkedIn You can also check out my resume from there and can check out my different projects from the portfolio itself.