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how to get OMNI coin in testnet #687

Open kazaff opened 6 years ago

kazaff commented 6 years ago

Hi there~

I run a testnet nodes on my laptop for test. Follow the doc, but i didn't get OMNI coin. I'm sure about what I did is same to what the document want me to do.

So, is the document still valid? Or did i miss something important information?

Help me please~~oz!

kazaff commented 6 years ago

oh, maybe cause my environment is running in Regtest mode. This is the docker image that i used.

what can i do in this mode if i need get OMNI coin for test.

frankegoesdown commented 6 years ago

just send 1 btc to address moneyqMan7uh8FqdCA2BV5yZ8qVrc9ikLP and then get 100 omni and 100 tomni on sender address it works in regtest and testnet

kazaff commented 6 years ago

@frankegoesdown But in my experience, I didn't get any coin~~OZ

dexX7 commented 6 years ago

Hi @kazaff,

if you mined the coins, please try to send the BTC first to an intermediate destination.

enVolt commented 6 years ago

I have received 1.3 BTC from a testnet faucet, and send these to moneyqMan7uh8FqdCA2BV5yZ8qVrc9ikLP, I've not received anything yet.

here is the tx id - 3ed69fed5fad56c4675f532836be08f326b2c9082aadd55ded885e97747ffcdd (explorer)

dexX7 commented 6 years ago

mhdzSSYhGQzCsUuErLrnnPZCqNkB6JC2cw should have the tokens.

APshenkin commented 6 years ago

@dexX7 have the same issue with my address mzu1qfU4CTKLpewJf61uxg84PZDbFZtKEP

I can't see tx where somebody give me test coins

APshenkin commented 6 years ago

Hm, maybe I have to send BTC using Omni node? Current transaction was sent via usual bitcoin node

dexX7 commented 6 years ago

I can't see tx where somebody give me test coins

There is no explicit transaction: mzu1qfU4CTKLpewJf61uxg84PZDbFZtKEP implicitly receives the test tokens.

dgaydukov commented 6 years ago


There is no explicit transaction: mzu1qfU4CTKLpewJf61uxg84PZDbFZtKEP implicitly receives the test tokens.

How is it possible? Every omni tx should be put into bitcoin blockchain to be valid. How he could get test omni tokens without omni tx being written into testnet bitcoin blockchain?

Jimweb3 commented 6 years ago

./omnicore-cli "omni_getallbalancesforaddress" "your address" can see the token balance , no transactions in bitcoin test node.

MYZ6 commented 5 years ago

./omnicore-cli sendtoaddress moneyqMan7uh8FqdCA2BV5yZ8qVrc9ikLP 0.3 ./omnicore-cli omni_getallbalancesforaddress mgFWK4mmFyW9afcC4RguR9qsDG7ykLk2jm

I got the test omni ( 1 : 100). image

lystrosaurus commented 5 years ago

1btc is too expensive,

Valeamor commented 5 years ago

how long will i get the test omni tokens?

laviua commented 5 years ago

i've sent 0.1 btc and got the following result: omnicore-cli omni_getallbalancesforaddress mrJsHNvEsg7ijwCxauPDa8iWinrkzRf1by [ { "propertyid": 1, "name": "Omni tokens", "balance": "1.00000000", "reserved": "0.00000000", "frozen": "0.00000000" }, { "propertyid": 2, "name": "Test Omni tokens", "balance": "1.00000000", "reserved": "0.00000000", "frozen": "0.00000000" } ]

n10s16s22 commented 5 years ago

can anyone help me find out the faucets for tether