Implement New Architecture and restructure controllers
Remove WalletAssetsFormController, implement rootScope wallet.assets for the currency and addresses listing.
Remove the TransactionGenerationController and implement the TransactionModel and ModalManager Confirmation dialog for transaction generation.
Move WalletSendAssetsController from /js/WalletSendAssetsController.js to /js/controllers/wallet/SendController.js
Remove Wallet, Account , and walletTransactionService. Wallet and Account are defined on the rootScope, use AddressManager instead of walletTransactionService to validate addresses.
Implement custom confirmation_footer partial for the modals to support send by value functionality.
Implement I18n
Follow the Architecture document directions to implement i18n.
Use WALLETSEND as the prefix for keys on the language file.
Implement New Design and restructure views
Move /partials/wallet_send.html to /views/wallet/send.html implementing the new design.
Implement New Architecture and restructure controllers
Implement I18n
Implement New Design and restructure views