Starting OmniSharp server (pid:undefined)
OmniSharp Location: C:\Users\Dustfall\.atom\packages\omnisharp-atom\node_modules\omnisharp-client\omnisharp-win-x64-netcoreapp1.0\OmniSharp.exe
Change the location that OmniSharp is loaded from by setting the OMNISHARP environment variable
OmniSharp Path: G:\Projects\MyProj\MyProj.sln
Following the path to OmniSharp.exe I found a zip file named '' which is 0 byte, and another file named '.version'. No file named 'OmniSharp.exe' there.
I've tried many times reinstalling but it still occurs
Omnisharp output:
Following the path to OmniSharp.exe I found a zip file named '' which is 0 byte, and another file named '.version'. No file named 'OmniSharp.exe' there.
I've tried many times reinstalling but it still occurs
Windows 8 Pro x64