OmniVirt / OmniVirtVRPlayer-Android-Example

Play VR Content on your Android application in just a single line of code.
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Can't see in VR mode #5

Open dinhduccuong opened 5 years ago

dinhduccuong commented 5 years ago

In Android, Image can't rotate in VR mode.

proskahuer commented 5 years ago

I have the same problema, please help.

dinhduccuong commented 5 years ago

i work for around. Embed webview. Not native lib.

proskahuer commented 5 years ago

I am developing in Unity an app for Android and ios and I am using its vr player, however when doing the apk and running it on the device, the head tracking does not work.

I tried to activate the Virtual Reality Supported in XR Settings and it works, however in the 360 mode it is divided in 2 the screen and the user interface. What is happening?

I wish they could help me because I really need it.

Greetings and I hope you can help me.