Open dhanesh-vector opened 1 month ago
@dhanesh-vector no, It's not implemented. PRs are welcome. I think this function was introduced in a newer versions on the R package. It is not preset in Version 1.x.y
I tried creating a new branch and pushing my changesto the repo, and got a permission error. Here is the small change I implemented:
class CrrResult(object):
"""A parser for the result coming from crr.
The full result is accessible via CrrResult.raw
def __init__(self, r_crr_res):
self.raw = r_crr_res
self.parsed = self.asdict()
self._coefficients = self.parsed['coef']
self._names = list(self.raw[0].names)
self._covariance = self.parsed['var']
self._std = np.sqrt(np.diag(self._covariance))
def asdict(self):
return rpy_utils.parse_r_list(self.raw)
def names(self):
return self._names
def coefficients(self):
return self._coefficients
def std(self):
return self._std
def covariance(self):
return self._covariance
def p_values(self):
_p_vals = [p_value(beta, std) for beta, std in
zip(self.coefficients, self.std)]
return np.array(_p_vals)
def hazard_ratio(self, conf_level=0.95):
values = np.zeros(len(self.coefficients))
confidence = np.zeros((len(self.coefficients), 2))
edges = np.array(normal.interval(conf_level))
for i, (coef, std) in enumerate(zip(self.coefficients, self.std)):
values[i] = np.exp(coef)
confidence[i, :] = [np.exp(coef + edges[0] * std),
np.exp(coef + edges[1] * std)]
return values, confidence
def summary(self):
cols = ['names', 'coefficients', 'std', 'hazard_ratio',
'hazard_ratio_2.5%', 'hazard_ratio_97.5%', 'p_values']
out = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
out['coefficients'] = self.coefficients
out['std'] = self.std
hazard_ratio, confidence = self.hazard_ratio()
out['hazard_ratio'] = hazard_ratio
out[['hazard_ratio_2.5%', 'hazard_ratio_97.5%']] = confidence
out['p_values'] = self.p_values
out['names'] = self.names
return out.set_index('names')
def predict(self, cov1, cov2):
Predicts the cumulative incidence function (CIF) for given covariate combinations.
cov1 (pd.DataFrame or np.array): Covariate values for the first set of covariates.
cov2 (pd.DataFrame or np.array): Covariate values for the second set of covariates.
np.array: Predicted CIF values.
if not hasattr(self.raw, 'bfitj'):
raise ValueError('predict requires variance=TRUE in crr')
# Convert covariates to R format
r_cov1 = rpy_utils.r_dataframe(pd.DataFrame(cov1))
r_cov2 = rpy_utils.r_dataframe(pd.DataFrame(cov2))
# Call the R predict function
r_predict_res = r_cmprsk.predict(self.raw, r_cov1, r_cov2)
# Convert the result back to a numpy array or DataFrame
return np.array(r_predict_res)
def p_value(x, std):
return 2 * (1 - normal.cdf(abs(x / std)))
def crr(failure_time, failure_status, static_covariates: pd.DataFrame, cengroup=None, failcode=1, cencode=0,
subset=None, **kwargs):
failure_time (np.array or pandas.Series): vector of failure/censoring times
failure_status (np.array or pandas.Series): vector with a unique code for each failure type and a separate
code for censored observations
static_covariates (pd.DataFrame): time independent covariates. numeric only dataframe
Keyword Args:
cengroup (np.array of pandas.Series): vector with different values for
each group with a distinct censoring distribution
failcode (int): code of fstatus that denotes the failure type of interest
cencode (int): code of fstatus that denotes censored observations
subset (numpy.array or pandas Series): a logical vector specifying a subset of cases
to include in the analysis
na.action is `omit`
CrrResult: a wrapper around crr_result
non_numeric_cols = utils.non_numeric_columns(static_covariates)
if non_numeric_cols:
msg = """
Input dataframe contains non numeric columns: {}.
Please convert text columns using `rpy_utils.to_categorical` method first""".format(non_numeric_cols)
raise NonNumericCovariateError(msg)
if isinstance(failure_time, pd.Series):
failure_time = failure_time.values
r_ftime = rpy_utils.r_vector(failure_time)
if isinstance(failure_status, pd.Series):
failure_status = failure_status.values
r_fstatus = rpy_utils.r_vector(failure_status)
r_static_cov = rpy_utils.r_dataframe(static_covariates)
if cengroup is not None:
r_cengroup = rpy_utils.r_vector(cengroup)
kwargs['cengroup'] = r_cengroup
if subset is not None:
if isinstance(subset, pd.Series):
subset = subset.values
r_subset = rpy_utils.r_vector(subset)
kwargs['subset'] = r_subset
r_crr_result = r_cmprsk.crr(r_ftime, r_fstatus, r_static_cov, failcode=failcode, cencode=cencode, **kwargs)
return CrrResult(r_crr_result)
def cuminc(failure_time, failure_status, group=None, strata=None, rho=0, cencode=0, subset=None,
failure_time (numpy.array or pandas.Series): failure time variable
failure_status (numpy.array or pandas.Series): variable with distinct codes
for different causes of failure and also a distinct code for censored observations
Keyword Args:
group (numpy.array or pandas.Series): estimates will calculated within groups given by
distinct values of this variable. Tests will compare these groups. If missing then
treated as all one group (no test statistics)
strata (numpy.array or pandas.Series): stratification variable. Has no effect on estimates.
Tests will be stratified on this variable. (all data in 1 stratum, if missing)
rho (int): Power of the weight function used in the tests.
cencode (int): value of fstatus variable which indicates the failure time is censored
subset (numpy.array or pandas.Series): a logical vector specifying a subset of cases
to include in the analysis
CumincResult: a wrapper around the result.
na.action is `omit`
r_ftime = rpy_utils.r_vector(failure_time)
r_fstatus = rpy_utils.r_vector(failure_status)
if group is not None:
r_group = rpy_utils.r_vector(group)
kwargs['group'] = r_group
if strata is not None:
r_strata = rpy_utils.r_vector(strata)
kwargs['strata'] = r_strata
if subset is not None:
r_subset = rpy_utils.r_vector(subset)
kwargs['subset'] = r_subset
cuminc_res = r_cmprsk.cuminc(r_ftime, r_fstatus, rho=rho, cencode=cencode, **kwargs)
return CumincResult(cuminc_res, stats=(group is not None))
@dhanesh-vector You got permission denied since it's a private repository. What you should do is to fork the repo, and create a merge request from your fork to mine.
Also, if there is a minimal required version of the R package you should update the README
The predict functionality from cmprsk isnt supported ? This is useful to compute performance metrics like concordance indices.