OnSSET / onsset

The code of the Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET)
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ONSSET-notebook. Start a scenario run, which calculate and compare technology costs for every settlement in the country #129

Open POLIMI2021 opened 3 years ago

POLIMI2021 commented 3 years ago

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 30 auto_intensification=auto_intensification, 31 prioritization=prioritization, ---> 32 new_investment=grid_investment) 33 34 onsseter.results_columns(year, time_step, prioritization, auto_intensification) ~\onsset-master\onsset\onsset.py in elec_extension(self, grid_calc, max_dist, year, start_year, end_year, time_step, grid_capacity_limit, grid_connect_limit, new_investment, auto_intensification, prioritization) 1367 filter_lcoe = filter_lcoe[0] 1368 filter_lcoe.loc[electrified == 1] = 99 -> 1369 unelectrified = np.where(filter_lcoe < min_code_lcoes) 1370 unelectrified = unelectrified[0].tolist() 1371 ~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ops.py in wrapper(self, other, axis) 1185 1186 elif isinstance(other, ABCSeries) and not self._indexed_same(other): -> 1187 raise ValueError("Can only compare identically-labeled " 1188 "Series objects") 1189 ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects