implement a scripting system similar to CustomNPCs.
Brawlator is the first custom mobs plugin for sponge that i am aware of; adding CustomNPC-like features could possible draw many folks over to the Sponge community helping to draw new devs to further improve Sponge.
Key events:
the first events the team should focus on implementing are:
this should provide most of the functionality i think most people desire in a mob scripting system.
Eventually we should find a way to implement ranged attacks and melee attacks on the same mob; then split attack() into meleeAttack() and rangedAttack()
Two other very useful features would be:
This would help in the creation of Finite State Machines and the first step into custom AI for Brawlator.
Additional notes:
CustomNPCs has a Javascript engine spawned for each NPC. this allows you to use the same code without interfering with any global effects; I think Brawlator should follow suit for the same reason.
As such if we needed to pass events between scripting engines; two functions would be needed setTempData() and getTempData()
implement a scripting system similar to CustomNPCs.
Purpose: Brawlator is the first custom mobs plugin for sponge that i am aware of; adding CustomNPC-like features could possible draw many folks over to the Sponge community helping to draw new devs to further improve Sponge.
Example of CustomNPC scripting API
Key events: the first events the team should focus on implementing are:
this should provide most of the functionality i think most people desire in a mob scripting system. Eventually we should find a way to implement ranged attacks and melee attacks on the same mob; then split
Two other very useful features would be:
This would help in the creation of Finite State Machines and the first step into custom AI for Brawlator.
Additional notes: CustomNPCs has a Javascript engine spawned for each NPC. this allows you to use the same code without interfering with any global effects; I think Brawlator should follow suit for the same reason.
As such if we needed to pass events between scripting engines; two functions would be needed