Ondsel-Development / FreeCAD

This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.
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An error message is reported when starting on the Manjaro system #54

Open chwt163 opened 1 month ago

chwt163 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Problem description

Ondsel can be run, but it stutters and often becomes unresponsive.

`Ondsel 2024.2.0, Libs: 2024.2.0R37191 (Git) © FreeCAD team and Ondsel Inc., 2001-2024 Ondsel ES is based on the FreeCAD project and released under the terms of the LGPL2.1+ License. Ondsel ES wouldn't be possible without the FreeCAD community.

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(qt.qpa.plugin) Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'HarmonyOS Sans SC,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1' QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'HarmonyOS Sans SC,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1' QFont::fromString: Invalid description 'HarmonyOS Sans SC,10,-1,5,400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1' During initialization the error "HTTPSConnectionPool(host='raw.githubusercontent.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /Ondsel-Development/Ondsel-Lens/master/package.xml (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x73b9ad511590>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] 连接被拒绝'))" occurred in /home/chen/.local/share/Ondsel/Mod/Ondsel-Lens/./InitGui.py Please look into the log file for further information % `


Full version info

OS: Manjaro Linux (KDE/plasmawayland)
Word size of Ondsel: 64-bit
Version: 2024.2.0.37191 (Git) AppImage
Build type: Release
Branch: (HEAD detached at 2024.2.0)
Hash: 2ad5fb327d068ae6280cf702d528b3a6e35770a7
Python 3.11.9, Qt 5.15.13, Coin 4.0.2, Vtk 9.2.6, OCC 7.7.2
Locale: Chinese/China (zh_CN)
Installed mods: 
  * Ondsel-Lens 2024.5.6.01

Subproject(s) affected?


Anything else?

No response

Code of Conduct

prokoudine commented 1 month ago

@pieterhijma Do you have ideas what's going on here?

pieterhijma commented 1 month ago

Thank you @prokoudine for letting me know and thank you @chwt163 for reporting. I will look into it.

pieterhijma commented 1 month ago

@chwt163. I looked into it. It turns out that the addon didn't handle exceptions well in the above case. I created the issue https://github.com/Ondsel-Development/Ondsel-Lens/issues/101 and submitted a PR. When merged, the addon will notify you for an update.

The max retries error shows when the Ondsel Lens addon cannot get a connection for a version check which can be caused by many issues. Since a version check is not critical, the version check silently fails if github refuses a connection or if there is a different connection error. The "silently" part was failing, so I improved the silent part by handling exceptions better.

Again, thanks for reporting!

chwt163 commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much! If it's fixed, can you notify the lssues here?

adrianinsaval commented 1 month ago

HarmonyOS Sans

can you search for this string at ~/.config/Ondsel/user.cfg and tell me in what parameters this is set? Probably is a good idea to remove those from your config as it seems to be an invalid font that was somehow configured for you

(qt.qpa.plugin) Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""

unfortunately we don't have good wayland support yet, maybe this will improve once we move to qt6

chwt163 commented 1 month ago

HarmonyOS Sans

can you search for this string at ~/.config/Ondsel/user.cfg and tell me in what parameters this is set? Probably is a good idea to remove those from your config as it seems to be an invalid font that was somehow configured for you

(qt.qpa.plugin) Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""

unfortunately we don't have good wayland support yet, maybe this will improve once we move to qt6

After changing to the system's built-in font, the startup prompt is only this: (qt.qpa.plugin) Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" But the operation is still stuck, I tried the original freecad, and it is also running stuttering


adrianinsaval commented 1 month ago

The stuttering problem seems to be a problem in qt/kde, people have reported that it's fixed with the lates update in archlinux to qt 6.7.1 and kde 6.0.5, these updates should reach manajaro's repos in a few weeks