Open RomainCancouet opened 1 year ago
How would one make use of such a field if the entries are free text? Or is it bascially to make sure such information is not lost?
is it bascially to make sure such information is not lost?
yes the idea is to provide a place to record such information when we receive it
I still consider it would be interesting to store such information (available to us in most case) in meta files, if that makes sense
Currently it seems there is no place in the meta file to store extra information about the deployment.
Here is a suggestion to add an optional field DEPLOYMENT_COMMENT to document information (usually received from deployment team/crew) such as weather conditions, deployment delays or issues, etc. long_name could be “Miscellaneous comment on the deployment”
Such metadata is sometimes already collected, e.g. at Coriolis, and here are examples of current entries:
"One of the side CTD red plugs was off the tube when box was opened" "No Seimac antenna, so couldn't hear the ARGOS transmission bips" "Icebergs floating by overcast" "Float deployed in EOL mode - reactivated by Iridium 24 Hrs later" "Deployed in pair with float 2903766" “2nd try magnet removal for activation” “ADOPT A FLOAT NAME: CALEDOCEAN” “All Good; 5 Clicks and whirring sound was heard” “Deployement was done in the (only) free ice zone a the back of the ship (after ice flushing) from the ice edge. We have waited 1h after the removal of the magnet and the satellite connection. During the 1h the float was put inside the ship, to keep instru” “Deployment procedure failure (they did not hear the buzzer on deck)” “Rainy weather and sea with Nly swell up to 2m, wind 14 kts from NNE, SOG 1.9 kts.”
Note: some current entries should move into the field CUSTOMISATION: “ASFAR Deployment from bottom mooring” “Float previously registered under WMO 3902104 and recovered on 10/09/2018 15:00” “PROVOR CT5 like buoyancy foam”
And some to DEPLOYMENT_REFERENCE_STATION_ID (and DEPLOYMENTCRUISE ID) “Station 41 of BOCATS cruise” “XCTD n°132” “20151105_CTD028_oscahr_station_11_PI” “CTD file ARGOS02.cnv”