OneBusAway / onebusaway-ios

OneBusAway for iOS, written in Swift.
81 stars 33 forks source link

Annotations being added extraneously, causing weird "reset" animation #563

Open ualch9 opened 2 years ago

ualch9 commented 2 years ago

See attached video. The stop annotations appear to "reset" to a default image before actually presenting the correct icon whenever the map is scrolled.

~I originally observed this on 120hz iphone screen and thought it was related, but running OBA on macOS monterey (60hz) also presents this issue, suggesting that this is a bug introduced with this release cycle.~ see below comment.


(screen recording is from Monterey, but same visual bug exists on iOS)


(maybe related? i didn't notice these until Monterey)

2021-10-25 16:27:09.095086-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:09.096118-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Raw accessibility elements: (
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e49d60: Kobe Terrace - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea57c0: Harborview Medical Center - View Park Garage - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8a9e0: US Post Office - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8bc00: Tsukushinbo - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea5860: Kim Hair Salon - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea59a0: Angel Spa - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8b520: Bank of America - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea6940: Fuji Sushi - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8b5c0: Hing Hay Park - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8ae40: Jade Garden Restaurant - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e888c0: International Model Toys - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e89e00: Harborview Medical Center - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8b160: Pink Gorilla Games - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e88e60: International District / Chinatown - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e89400: Starbucks - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e899a0: Fire Station 10 - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea6620: Bartell Drugs - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea4d20: King County Correctional Facility - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebaf80: International District - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbc00: Oasis Tea Zone - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e34fa0: Kinokuniya - Seattle - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbde0: Seattle Passport Agency - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb200: Wing Luke Museum - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbb60: Ironsteak - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb840: Ho Ho Seafood Restaurant - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e35f40: Wells Fargo Bank - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbf20: Seattle Pinball Museum - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb700: Harborview Park - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbe80: Seattle Police Headquarters - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbac0: Berry Berry Hair Salon - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebba20: Space Needle Banquet Space - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb2a0: UW Medicine Liver Clinic at Harborview - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb8e0: COVID-19 Testing Site - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e36080: Uwajimaya - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e35040: King Street Station - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e34dc0: Tabletop Village - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbca0: East West Bank - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e34d20: Trinity Parish Hall - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e34a00: KeyBank - Paths: 1 [en]"
2021-10-25 16:27:09.117977-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] After filtering nil rects/paths: pois: (
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb2a0: UW Medicine Liver Clinic at Harborview - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb8e0: COVID-19 Testing Site - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbe80: Seattle Police Headquarters - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb700: Harborview Park - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e89e00: Harborview Medical Center - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea4d20: King County Correctional Facility - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea57c0: Harborview Medical Center - View Park Garage - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbde0: Seattle Passport Agency - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbac0: Berry Berry Hair Salon - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e899a0: Fire Station 10 - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebba20: Space Needle Banquet Space - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e49d60: Kobe Terrace - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea6940: Fuji Sushi - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8bc00: Tsukushinbo - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea6620: Bartell Drugs - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea59a0: Angel Spa - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ea5860: Kim Hair Salon - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8b520: Bank of America - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8a9e0: US Post Office - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8b5c0: Hing Hay Park - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e88e60: International District / Chinatown - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8ae40: Jade Garden Restaurant - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e888c0: International Model Toys - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e8b160: Pink Gorilla Games - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb200: Wing Luke Museum - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbf20: Seattle Pinball Museum - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000e89400: Starbucks - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbc00: Oasis Tea Zone - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbb60: Ironsteak - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebaf80: International District - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebb840: Ho Ho Seafood Restaurant - Paths: 1 [en]",
    "VKPointFeatureAccessibilityElement:0x600000ebbca0: East West Bank - Paths: 1 [en]"
), roads: (
), others: (
2021-10-25 16:27:09.119234-0700 App[43106:1890208] [Accessibility] Update request succeeded
2021-10-25 16:27:10.228588-0700 App[43106:1890208] [Accessibility] Executing an update request
2021-10-25 16:27:10.231121-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Kobe Terrace (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.231397-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 8th Ave S (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.231432-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.231484-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 8th Ave (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.231511-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.231565-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Harborview Medical Center - View Park Garage (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.234915-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: US Post Office (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235031-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Tsukushinbo (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235118-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Kim Hair Salon (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235237-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Angel Spa (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235402-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Bank of America (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235543-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Fuji Sushi (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235646-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Hing Hay Park (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235744-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Jade Garden Restaurant (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235841-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: International Model Toys (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235933-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Alder St (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.235960-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236008-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: S Washington St (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236031-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236084-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Harborview Medical Center (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236177-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Pink Gorilla Games (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236268-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: International District / Chinatown (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236373-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Starbucks (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236478-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Fire Station 10 (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236568-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Bartell Drugs (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236657-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: King County Correctional Facility (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236757-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 5 (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236797-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236848-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Fir St (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236870-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236915-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Terrace St (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.236937-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237080-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Yesler Way (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237103-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237148-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 5th Ave S (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237170-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237216-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: International District (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237355-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Oasis Tea Zone (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237451-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Kinokuniya - Seattle (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237520-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Seattle Passport Agency (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237610-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Wing Luke Museum (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237702-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Ironsteak (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237798-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Ho Ho Seafood Restaurant (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237899-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Wells Fargo Bank (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.237968-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Seattle Pinball Museum (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238067-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Tougo Coffee (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238090-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238147-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Harborview Park (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238252-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Seattle Police Headquarters (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238348-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Berry Berry Hair Salon (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238444-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Space Needle Banquet Space (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238590-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: UW Medicine Liver Clinic at Harborview (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238697-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: COVID-19 Testing Site (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238786-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 5th Ave (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238812-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238855-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 5 (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238876-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.238918-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: 4th Ave S (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.239895-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.239954-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Prefontaine Pl S (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.239976-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240021-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Uwajimaya (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240162-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: King Street Station (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240233-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: King County Superior Court (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240257-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240300-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: City Hall Park (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240323-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240380-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Tabletop Village (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240460-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: East West Bank (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240636-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Seattle Lighting (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240668-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240716-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Trinity Parish Hall (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240785-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: S Jackson St (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240810-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not a POI, cluster, or route ETA
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240854-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Sky View Observatory (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240883-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240931-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Daiso Japan (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240953-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.240996-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: KeyBank (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241062-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Embassy Suites by Hilton (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241085-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241129-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: ICHS International District Medical & Dental Clinic (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241152-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241194-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: UW Medicine Eye Institute at Harborview (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241216-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Filtered because not within map bounds.
2021-10-25 16:27:10.241259-0700 App[43106:1890208] [AXVectorKit] Visible label: Ninth & Jefferson Building at Harborview Campus (subtext: , related texts: (
), related subtexts: (
), is cluster: 0, is leaf cluster: 0, is cluster child: 0, feature annotation: (null), cluster feature count: 0, cluster feature annotations: (
ualch9 commented 2 years ago
