OneBusAway / onebusaway-ios

OneBusAway for iOS, written in Swift.
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Replace RESTAPIService Operations with Swift Concurrency implementation #622

Closed ualch9 closed 1 year ago

ualch9 commented 1 year ago

The goal is to make the codebase more approachable to first-time contributors by adopting Swift Structured Concurrency. The result from this refactor will be more readable business logic and a net-decrease in LOCs.

OBAKit API change


// Keep track of operation
var operation: DecodableOperation<RESTAPIResponse<StopArrivals>>?

deinit {

func loadData() {
    let op = apiService.getArrivalsAndDeparturesForStop(
        id: stopID, 
        minutesBefore: minutesBefore, 
        minutesAfter: minutesAfter

    op.complete { [weak self] result in
        guard let self else { return }
        switch (result) {
        case .failure(let error):
            // Show error in UI
        case .success(let response):
            // Show arrivals in UI
    self.operation = op


func loadData() async {
    do {
        let stopArrivals: RESTAPIResponse<StopArrivals> = try await apiService
                id: stopID, 
                minutesBefore: minutesBefore, 
                minutesAfter: minutesAfter
        // Handle success
    } catch {
        // Handle failure

This is part-one of Concurrency adoption. Lots of bandaids and deprecation warnings are present, but I want to keep PRs reasonably sized.