In my disposition, I have nbsp which can be typed using two different keys. And each of those keys have an associated symbol in 1dk, but it’s not the same. When generating .keylayout for mac, the generated file has "action" section to generate the symbol associated with 1dk + key. The id of that section is the same for both of the key with nbsp which is invalid. I manually fixed it by renaming the id of one of the section.
In my disposition, I have nbsp which can be typed using two different keys. And each of those keys have an associated symbol in 1dk, but it’s not the same. When generating .keylayout for mac, the generated file has "action" section to generate the symbol associated with 1dk + key. The id of that section is the same for both of the key with nbsp which is invalid. I manually fixed it by renaming the id of one of the section.